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Everything posted by Geordon

  1. Here in North-Central Illinois (Rockford, to be precise) I can't even give my time away! I want to (need to) get some decent street-level experience before going on to Medic school. I can't get on with the volly FD, can't get on anywhere. Can't even get on as a volunteer! It's aggrivating. There are too many medics, WAY too many Basics, and nobody new can get experience, unless you are willing to join a volly FD as a firefighter.
  2. I think that you mean "YMMV" here. In EMS Region 1 of Illinois, USA, Combi-tube is a BLS skill. Therefore, your assertion that this is an ALS topic is a matter of opinion.
  3. Google: Infibulation Horrible, HORRIBLE thing. Speaking as a male who was circumcised as an infant and regrets not having had the option.
  4. I can't speak for the UltraScope, but I picked up the DRG PureTone Traditional (tactical black, cuz I'm a dork that way) and love it. Before mine came in, I borrowed a Litt Classic from one of my classmates, and liked it. But, the DRG earpieces are *it* for me. I have funky shaped ear canals, and the Gel-Seal earpieces just rock. Comparing the PT Trad and the Litt Classic, I'd say that they're about the same, from what I was able to hear. I'd like to get my hands on the DRG Cardiology, though.
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