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Posts posted by celticcare

  1. Wish is granted Richard you are now on a cruise but its a tom sawyer boat and you are drifting out into nowhere.

    I wish that people understood me.

    Cannot grant...... male brain cannot compute....... trying to understand woman..... DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER WILL ROBINSON

    I wish Terri and I starred in movies together ;)

  2. I've only worked christmas as an RN and that is hard seeing people brought in with conditions that they cant spend the holidays with their family or one gentleman I had nursed for a while *as an in and out patient, kindly lovely man* dying like 4 days before christmas. Looking into the cubicle he had been in whilst waiting for a heart transplant, just saddened me working that shift.

    Christmas in general is a bit of a downer as my ex (whom I was going to move to aussie with) left me the week before christmas for another guy and left me heartbroken, lost and alone at christmas.

    Saddest call ever, whilst I wont go into detail, as basically I saw a lady take her last breathe on me as a young EMT (I was only 20) and holding this womans head on my lap as we ceased CPR and after seeing her husband snapped in two in the drivers seat, hearing the families scream "She's lost her pulse" when I was the first on scene and highest ranking officer until ALS arrived. (and before any of you lecture me on traumatic cardiac arrest, we shocked her 9 times as she was still in coarse V-Fib).

    I don't want to go into the debate of CISD, personally I requested to see someone, to this day (five years later) I'm still waiting.

  3. Normally I would say: Fake

    BUUUUTTT its Berlusconi, one of the greatest i***** the world has ever seen.

    Recent quote after the italian earth quake with over 250 death and 100.000 made homeless:

    "People, you have to see this as an camping trip!". Said directly in the face to people who had to spend the night without an place in a tent, without having a field bed and who lost everything, including family members.

    I was watching that on the news tonight Krumel, and it disgusted me, is it when you become a politician, you forgo human rights, morals and dignity and gain a labotomy???????

    Where some of the logic is with these people defys me, small attention span too....

    "And we will punish the people of this heinous.... Oh look at the Kitty"

    Scotty :lol:

  4. As the original post was as my old identity on here *no I don't have multiple personalities..... shhhhhhh I'm typing here* I was smoke free for 5 months, then I moved up north away from my home and support networks and started again the day I moved up. I am angry at myself for it, but nearly a year later (May 15th will be the exact date) I am still smoking. Though cut down considerably, I am still smoking. Time to go with the patch therapy, I am feeling breathless alot more now and want the money from smokes to go to a gym membership so I can be that buff Scotty that the women oh so love lol.

    I feel saddened going through the old posts and finding that post from over a year ago and to see myself now, its made me determined now. I can't let myself get like this ever again.


  5. It is also down to personal interpretation and being aware that as human beings we do step on other peoples toes as part of reality and all it could have taken is a conversation with a fellow student that has gone wrong and boom, an allegation laid or anything and thats your career down the toilet.

    There is however, a time and a place and whilst I am human and have disagreements with fellow co-workers, the system in general and even treatement by patients to health care professionals, those even in the context of a personal blog are not for internet. Plain and simple, you are no longer an individual on the net, once its out there it's out there, plain as the day we were born.

    Thanks CH for the post.


  6. My best wishes to you on surviving your better halfs Ca Tx. Here in NZ, we have a national take back policy on medications with local pharmacies and with controlled drugs especially, though funnily enough, we still say flush the pills away if you're not going to use them OR take them to the pharmacy. Patients who are on controlled medications including narcotics, are monitored when they recieve a script of narcotic etc in the essence the medication balances out and they shouldnt have used soo much too fast etc.

    Again, my best wishes to you and your family.


  7. Good Scenario indeed, we dont have the native type of mushroom you described growing here, but we have enough deadly native flora and fauna to cause issues.

    The ones who aren't so bad now, arent necessarily going to remain not so bad soon, if thse young ones got to the extent of unresponsive, im sure the adults would be heading that way, i guess transport the ones that arent actively vomiting yet by the bus and the ones that are vomiting, either by helicoptor if they can be taken, or via the next ambulances coming.

    Just a question though, are the ones "not so bad" parents of these kids, because there would be issues revolving around them wanting to go with their kids, could kill two birds with one stone *and sorry bad analogy I know but couldn't think of anything else*.

    Again great scenario, I need to get my thinking cap on for one of my own to write.


  8. I guess just monitor, continue to administer care to alleviate symptoms, save a sample of the vomitus for the medical staff and continue supportive cares and remain non judgemental.

    Just a question, is the fishy smelling vomitus actually fish from dinner? I can't think of any other meds or anything other than omega three or fish oil capsules that would make it smell like fish....

  9. We have had a few patients with this in the CCU this year with the condition being linked to Apical Ballooning syndrome. I was looking after a patient who had had bad news from her son, she got chest pain that night, st segment changed, Trop I went to 2.97. She had what we thought was a NSTEMI however her angio gram showed normal coronary arteries and the TTE showed cardiomyopathy. With medication and rest, her heart had begun the healing process.

    I was in a teaching session yesterday and broken heart syndrome came up, shows how often I don't scroll through the old threads as I had been treating these patients and didn't even click to that it was called this syndrome.

    Differential Diagnosis, but then that is said as I work in a hospital with access to lab tests and TTE and other procedures, not quite out in the prehospital arena yet lol .


  10. Do we just await an e-mail from you and the kids asking questions or do you want a statement prepared for the kids explaining our roles, what our services are like, photos of trucks and equipment etc?

  11. With a few new defibs being released and being a while since this thread was orginally posted, do we as providers feel any changes have been made?

    The idea of Bluetooth device recognition is something I still havent seen on any units yet and I agree with dust, the cables and wires are just horrific to work around, especially when tranporting out of the ambulance to the emergency department and postitioning the monitor where it can be out of the way, still usable and reachable in the event you need to.

  12. Station checks - 0700, start the trucks and leave them to warm up in the cool winter morning, fleet consisted of ALS, ILS and BLS trucks and PTS truck also.

    Everything fine, defib works, truck works, oxygen full, all the drugs present, suction works and so on and so forth.... lets go have cofee.....

    Tones drop 0730. Priority one for Respiratory Arrest. Go to the truck, open the doors, turn the key whiiiiiir whiiiiiiir, what? Whiiiiiiir whiiiiiiir. Engine would not turn over. ILS unit was out, BLS unit was out, only truck left was the patient transfer service *PTS* unit. So swap the gear fast, start up the unit and bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz to the scene.

    Had other things like stollenwerger stretcher collapse once and crunch on my foot. Thank god for steel caps but when you got big ol bubba on one of them, it aint fun. Had the pin holding the scoop give way during class once and boy that guy wasnt impressed landing on the ground.

    Had a Stiffneck snap once, bodox seal on a cylinder disapear and no seal on the cylinder *luckily there was spare seals and regs* but thankfully, for me personally, nothing that has been hugely detremental to individuals.

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