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Posts posted by PRPGfirerescuetech

  1. Wow, NIBPs have a scope of practice? Maybe you could enlighten me as to how a basic or Intermediate shouldn't use one..........you put a cuff on, push a button and document the readings.......it's not rocket science. Or maybe we shouldn't use pulse oximetry unless trained on them either.

    Actually, pulse oximetry isnt in the education and "scope" for a number of states. Tsk used in-correct terminology.

    Regardless of the simplicity, NO ONE should be using any piece of equipment they are not trained on, and trained on with documented education.


    Because the first time you use it inappropriately or misinterpret the information, YOU ARE LIABLE FOR USING EQUIPMENT YOUR NOT TRAINED ON.

    Think they cant get you on it? Work a hospital based EMS system. They do established competencies every year on even the simplest equiptment. No, its not because they think your stupid either.

  2. Gore? President?......Scary, but maybe he could have gotten a patent on his invention of the internet... :roll: :lol:

    And I highly doubt that the NY skyline would have remained unchanged because of him, that administration had already blew off opportunities to rid itself of that possibilty.

    Edited so I could add.

    Similar to the same opportunities to catch and prosecute the same person who changed that same skyline? :?

    Oh wait....thats the current guy. Sorry.... :)

  3. I'm with the others, I will be sorry to miss your future posts...But I'm even more sorry to see that you didn't have the backbone for honest debate...

    Unfortunately, there was no honest debate in this thread.

    Poster #1 posted something we all thought unprofessional, called the person on it, and everyone agreed.

    Poster #2 Didnt like what poster #1 said, and tore up poster #1, and the same people agreed.

    So in reality, we have 4 or 5 people with opinions and about 50 cattle.

    Im failing to see the true debate.

  4. Yes, it would be nice to see EMS become mature and actually become a profession with associated responsibilities and benefits. However; I would not make any bets on it. It appears we are regressing instead of moving forward.

    Dear Rid,

    Instead of the progression we few strive for in becoming a profession of competent medical providers, we will be stuck here then because of the individuals who refuse to educate themselves, the ones who seems to think that this is as good as it gets due to ignorance, and the other part I guess being ones who got the shiny badges and cool patches and that it... am I on the right page now? Just wanna make sure before I post anything else. God, this makes me sooo disappointed.

    When I get another free moment, I'll the link from Dust above.....thnx for your repsonses guys. Does anyone else out there have anything they'd like to add?

  5. As an aside, jeez, Laura, you make me look like Mary Poppins.

    Amen. To all let me officially introduce Paramedic Laura Anne to EMTcity. As a incredible clinician, educator, and my girlfriend for some time now, she will be a good asset here.

    Something like a amusing mix between Dustdevil, the old Ditchdoctor, and me.

  6. This is not an option for BLS providers in most of the US. Nor should it be.

    Do a search on glucagon and BLS providers and you'll find it has been discussed at beaten to death. Let's please not rehash the same dead arguments here. Thanks.

    -be safe

    Oh my goddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!NnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnOOOOO







    Please no rehashing, thanks. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

  7. Not in EMS, but when you consider the largest fire service in the world is here, with all 79 thousand vollies manning it, ive seen my fair share :shock:

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Sweet jesus....um....sorry....wow....

  8. Don't defend intermediates than. I'm a basic and I sure as hell don't support the level of education that basics are currently at.

    As far as these so called "uniforms,' is it really that hard to get changed into actual clothes? Hell, I hate walking to my car when I need to move it out of an unused overhead (stupid apartment in a college town only giving each apartment 1 general use permit and 1 reserved overhead bay) in my PJs. I could never imagine showing up to work in them. Besides blood+thin clothes=not good. I had to buy a lab coat for microbio lab this year and half (key word half) thinking about wearing that because at least lab coats can be autoclaved if needbe.

    Side note:

    She wasnt defending her level of certification, just the fact that it does not reflect poorly on our industry and the public perception of EMS to arrive at scenes with her drunken friends in purple plaid pajama pants and hold patients hands.

    Amusing thought, if thats the case, i wonder if shed be upset if we dressed up the county sheriff in her backwoods town as santa claus, gave him a gun belt, and sent him patrolling.

    "Ho, ho, hoooooo......theres a new sheriff in townnnnn"

    I guesss thats different?

  9. Hey bushy-could you define the term "tosser" for me? I'm relatively new to EMS. I'd appreciate it. Thanks :wink:

    Tosser is a synonym for "chronic masturbator" or "wanker" in accordance with our good friends at Websters dictionary.

    Wankers seems to have taken a life of its own as an EMS term for someone who is a "ricky rescue" type, with a full array for galls purchased gear in their personal posession. Please forward all blame to EMTcity member Dustdevil for this happening. However, you likely have never met a person like this considering the career oriented system you are from.

    Come to the states, where driving a blue light and "im an EMT" covered pickup truck thats too high for its own good can only be outdone by the 8 pagers and "firefighters ride em hard" T shirt at a wedding or other black tie event. :? :?

  10. And from what I'm understand, every single goddamned EMT from Augusta to Sacramento thinks they are being horribly wry, witty, and clever in pointing that out. You people.

    EMT scope is completely encompassed by the ALS scope.


    It doesnt start with EMT, but the same skills are involved.


    Why is EMT even included in the Paramedic titleing?

    That always befuddled me a bit.

  11. Rid-

    I can understand where youre coming from, but I still think it doesnt hold water. I mean esentially your argument is something like, if the town can thrown a veterans day parade, they can afford to pay their volunteer fire/ems. Not so, and I think you know that. We have a town about a hundred miles from where I live. It has a population of 110 people. They have little town picnics, etc and I think a bus might run through their every few days. Until a few years ago, they had no fire/ems response locally at all with the nearest responders being 30 miles away. So, the people of the town got together, got a firetruck (forgive me for not using FF terminology) and one ambulance. Then before using it, they send 4 of the towns men to FF school and there are 2 women in this little burg that have gone to medic level. Thats their emergency response system. But they cant afford to pay them. They need things like road salt and to pay someone to keep the weeds by the side of the road cut down because the state says they have to. I would honestly like someone to show me a study that says that across the board, volunteer EMS is no good...that it somehow sacrificies the quality of the care that it provides the inhabitants of its community. Or what about the towns closer to me but next to that little one...they have a Fire-Rescue service, all volunteer, called Win-Bur-Sew Fire Rescue, for the names of the towns they serve. Their fire fighters and EMS personnel make no money at what they do. they leave their jobs in the middle of the day and their homes in the middle of the night to put out house fires, tend to patients having acute MIs and deliver babies, among the million other things they do every day. Do you really have the conceit to say that they are no good or that the towns they live in are slacking off because they cant afford to pay these dedicted folks. Not everplace is NYC or Chicago or LA...alot of communities really do have to make do...do you honestly believe that having no EMS is better than volunteer. Pheh! I say.


    As much as holding a discussion with you is as useful as trying to beat myself to death with a rubber spoon, im going to throw a few thoughts into the wind here.

    First, a little Q/A session with your new friend PRPG.

    Fact: The volunteer aspect of EMS is the one factor holding every problem from EMS from being solved

    Fact: EMS education and advances cannot progress with volunteers in place as EMS providers.

    Fact: I have the knowledge (please note lack of conceit) when I say volunteers in all systems are NO good to the communities they serve.

    Now, im going to guess in your poorly educated mind, your wondering why I say such horrid things against our good friends, the jolly volunteers.

    Lets explain the rationale for each statement chronologically, to avoid any confusion you might have, considering your exhaustion you must have from remembering to tie your shoes today.


    The volunteer aspect of EMS is the one factor holding every problem from EMS from being solved

    I took several polls regarding what people felt to be true problems with the EMS system, one of which was here at EMTcity. Realistically, I was quotes as "pay", "how we are viewed by others in the medical community", "education standards and poor education", "inability to establish a unique identity" and "a limiting scope of practice.”

    Now, lets look at each problem one by one.

    Education standards and poor education – Education standards haven’t been raised to all levels, because of the dying volunteer breeds. Simply stated, can we as a system raise education requirements to a group of people who struggle to clear enough time to 150 hour night course? To remove the volunteers from the system would still be such a PR nightmare, that no one wants to do it, as well as to remove the volunteers would cause a “systemwide critical shortage” at all levels which would be catastrophic.

    -This of course is only true if you don’t change the current system to accommodate for the change to 100% career providers, but I digress….

    Pay- With increased pay comes increased compensation. Medics make more than EMT’s, Nurses make more than medics, doctors make more than nurses, and EMT’s make more than your local Wal-Mart greeter….well, ok sometimes more than the local Wal-Mart greeter. Expand the education to a certain point, and bring home more coin, period. This is a principal that holds true in all aspects of the work force as well.

    How others in the medical community view us- Simple really. Please tell me the last time you saw a MD with a nametag that said “Joe Blow, MD; volunteer doctor” When we expand ourselves as a profession of 100% career professionals, with a extensive level of true education, we will be viewed as a true facet of the medical community, instead of being lumped as the bastard children of the public safety community.

    Limiting Scope of Practice- Simple math kids, pull out your calculators.

    More education + More clinical time – less apathy from those who couldn’t hack it under the increased education = A bigger scope of practice!

    A+ to the fat kid in the back who got that one right. Strong work!


    EMS education and advances cannot progress with volunteers in place as EMS providers.

    .....scroll up.


    I have the knowledge (please note lack of conceit) to I say volunteers in all systems are NO good to the communities they serve.

    The existence of poorly performing volunteer services is the direct cause of why many state level politicians dont get involved in ensuring competent ALS coverage to ALL residents! The " we already have someone doing that" mentality within the state level, along with a intense apathy on the subject from the people who matter most....the politicians. Guess what, the current system is inappropriate, substandard, and going to fold if we dont act!

    Regarding payment and reimbursement issues.

    It should be noted that there are many areas of this fine country completely uncovered by EMS services. This is the most inappropriate and truely disheartening fact in my own opinion. EMS unfortunately is not yet considered a "essential service" in the eyes of the political world, thus not considered a need by politicians for their voting contingent. Now, until the state and federal level governments recognize a true need to ensure EMS coverage which meets the unofficial 8 minute 59 second standard, several areas will remain uncovered appropriately. This is of course working within the private service "mom and pop" ambulance squad mentality, and not looking at the larger scale EMS needs like regional, or even statewide EMS services, similar to a national EMS system in the UK or australia.

    Lets remember that the true ideal is to force all states to provide EMS coverage to ALL residents to comply with the 8 / 59 standard.

    Not that any of this matters, because until every blue lighting EMS T shirt clad volunteer is removed, none of this will ever happen.

    If that is the case, all of us with a true grasp on the system can come to my house and crack a beer to watch the National EMS system self implode. What your not grasping is that including volunteers in the EMS system will eventually ensure there is no EMS at all.

    Side note, a famous person said once, its better to shut up and know your limitations, that to open your mouth and prove where your limitations are.

    I eagerly await a poorly informed reply.



  12. Regarding the EMT vs paramedic whining.

    Asys, I interpret the rule as saying "BLS skills save ALS providers". This can be referenced for instance when that BVM your holding like a lightsaber in the sky is used to ventilate the patient you cant tube.

    I'm aware of your opinion of this rule, however please untwist your star of life panties and reread it.

    Hugs and kisses,


    *note* Your likely going to dislike this post, so as a peace offering, I give you this random picture of a dancing kitten.


  13. LMAO! You noticed that, eh?

    Last time I gave a PCT, everybody in the room looked at me like I was a space alien! It took me awhile to figure out why. :lol:

    ....your just THAT funny looking.

    Real time EMS show?

    0:01 - Sleeping

    0:02 - Sleeping

    0:03 - Sleeping

    0:04 - Sleeping

    0:05 - Sleeping

    0:06 - Roll to opposite side, cough

    0:07 - Sleeping

    0:08 - Sleeping

    0:09 - Sleeping, onset light snore

    Ill be impressed if it lasts longer than Saved!


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