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Posts posted by reaper

  1. This job is so easy, you can learn it fast and easy while working. this is why we are paid the small wages as opposed to other evidince based healthcare workers.

    Because of people like you?

  2. First of all, you statement of "in the US vehicles pull left" is not accurate. For example, in Florida, the law is that a vehicle must pull to the shoulder, preferably the right but the left is ok as well. The premise is just allow the car to get out of the way without causing any more undue panic and creating another crash.

    As for the "never pass on the right", I do agree this is a dangerous move and must be taken with extreme caution, but there are times you WILL pass on the right and it is fine.

    For example, I have approached an intersection before where all traffic was stopped. There was a concrete barrier dividing the oncoming lanes from ours. Every lane was full with stopped traffic, no where for them to go, however the turn lane was empty. As I said this is a very carefully executed maneuver as should every pass attempt be. There is no need to wail your sirens, as you should not be going balls to the wall anyways. You simply get in the turn lane and approach the intersection slowly. Once assured no one is pulling over on top of you, you then utilize your sirens to make your turn or proceed through the intersection. If anyone does pull over on you while in the turn lane, it should be no big deal to start with because your speed should be minimal, and the crash can be avoided.

    Second, again in Florida, I have driven up the right hand side of the Turnpike and I-95 many many times. Either the median on the left was too soft to drive in or it was inaccessible because when you get on the road you are already at the far right side and traffic is at a standstill. It is pointless to fight your way to the left when cars have no where to go and it is idiotic to split the traffic when it is already at a standstill which frequently occurs with these high speed crashes on the interstate or turnpike.

    I will say one "NEVER". Never drive/pass on the right at high speeds because you are unable to see and appreciate/anticipate the other driver's moves and react in time, plus if you are blasting up the side of a highway on the far right (breakdown lane), you may encounter a vehicle that is parked.

    If the move is carried out with extreme caution and is necessary, you are welcome to ride in my truck anytime, no penalty I promise.

    Dang AK, you must drive in the real world, like me! ;) I pass on the right a lot, mostly for the events like AK described. I have had partners that were taught to never pass on the right. They will make 10 cars move out of their way, when there is a turn lane open on the right. It is nerve racking. If you drive with caution, use common sense, there is no problem with it. Yes, drivers used to be taught to pull to the right. Most are not taught that any more. I have never put a scratch on an ambulance in 20 years. You must use common sense when driving and not live by myths that are pushed on new people.

  3. As AK said, Central and South FL is mainly Fire/EMS. Except for a few agencies.

    If you are not picky where in the state you want to live, North FL and the Panhandle are still mainly County based EMS. There are some very good systems up there that take great pride in their EMS systems.

    Like AK stated. It is very hard to bring an out of state FF cert into FL. If that is what you want to do, wait and take your FFII in FL.

  4. I never stated that you shouldn't try to get every pt to go be evaluated. I suggest that any pt having a problem, be evaluated.

    If the Angina pt wants to refuse, then that is also his choice. The nice thing in America, is you have the choice to run yourself into the ground, if want!

  5. You have to remember something. A lot of the time, you are dealing with life long Diabetics. They have dealt with this disease for ever. They know what has happened to them, they know why it has happened and they know what was done for them.

    A lot of them probably know more about their disease then the Er Dr does. They also know that they will lay in a hospital bed for hours, eat a crappy meal, have their BGL checked a couple times and be sent home with a $1000 bill. Most know they can do the same thing at home.

    I have no problem leaving them at home, if they know what is going on. They must have someone with them to watch over them and make sure they eat. I also check their Glucometer to make sure it is accurate. If this is the tenth time their BGL has dropped in a month, then I will convince them to go to the ER or at least make a Dr's appointment.

    There is a difference when dealing with an injured pt or an intoxicated pt and dealing with someone that has a treatable disease, who has a thorough understanding of that disease!

    I also will transport any pt that we are called to more then once in the same day. If their BGL drops a second time, then they do need evaluated or they did not take care of the problem themselves.

  6. After 7 pages of the same arguments, have we came to the same conclusions? Everyone will parent a different way. Every child needs a different way of parenting.

    I do believe in spanking, when it is needed. I also agree with teaching kids while they are young and instilling good moral values in your kids.

    I have never had to lay a hand on my son. He was always a good kid growing up and sometimes the threat of a spanking would do the trick. My daughter was always one to push the limits on everything. She did get spanked when she was younger, but I have not had to lay a hand on her in years. She finally learned that I didn't play games.

    I have seen some totally hands off parents that do make it work. But, I have seen way to many that the kids are out of control. I could never understand when my kids were younger that people would always compliment on how well behaved they were. Whether it was out in public or they spent the night at someones house. They were always complimented on their behavior. Then I started watching other peoples kids and could not believe some of the stuff I saw. Their were some kids that I wanted to spank!!

    All we need to understand is that each child is different and each one needs a different style of parenting. I really do not care how you raise your kids. As long as you are being a parent to them, you are not abusing them and they are not abusing me! :shock:

  7. Well... back to the topic. :?

    I'm trying not to get too macho about this, because everyone here who actually knows me knows that I am far from macho. But regardless of whether this could have been handled better, I don't think that it was the winning team responsible for doing it. I am surprised that nobody has asked why the losing coach did not throw in the towel. It was not the winning team's responsibility to handle the losing team's affairs. He was hired to coach HIS team, not other teams. Why didn't the losing coach ask his girls if they wanted to quit? Although it isn't written anywhere, I'm betting that, at some point, he did and the girls told him to get bent. And if that is the case, then they ARE winners!

    Now, if they were not given that option by their coach, and they never asked for it, then that's quite likely exactly the way they wanted it. But if the girls and the coach felt they should quit, they could have made something special out of this event. They could have forfeited at halftime, and then made a learning opportunity out of it, as well as making some new friends among the other team. Like Christopher implied about joining forces... they could have paired up with the winning team for some coaching. It's not like they are going to play each other again this year. Win-win. It's better than being so exhausted that you learn nothing but to stay on your feet.

    But in reality, I'm betting this game turned out exactly how the losing team wanted it to turn out. They fought until the end with everything they had, and went home with the pride in knowing they stayed til the end, against overwhelming odds. That makes them winners in my book. And I'm betting it makes them winners in their own mind to. Nobody wants to be patronised! If the winning team had tried to do so, it would have diminished their efforts and their lesson. Bullshyte on that. That is more unsportsmanlike than anything these girls did. Anyone who thinks the winners should have changed anything they did is wrong (unless, of course, they celebrated in an unsportsmanlike manner after the fact, of which there is no report).

    Thank you Dust, You are the only one to answer the question of what lesson was learned here! I am still waiting for what lesson would have been learned by the winning team laying down or quiting?

  8. My guess is you have never actually started an IO in a real patient and attempted a fluid bolus. If you had, you would know that pushing D50 would nearly be impossible. The risk of infection, fracture/cracking of the bone, and or tissue infiltration (if you dont do it right, which is highly possible in a skill you do once or twice per year -- remember D50 has a necrotic issue) are far higher than that of puncturing bowel with an ETT, and even if you did, it is rarely life threatening in the last 6 inches of bowel. You have to put your patient above ego.

    I have pushed D50 twice by IO. Once in the field and once in the ER(by request of the Dr.). It is a little harder to push, but not impossible. If you verify a patent IO and continue the flow, there is no problems with it.

  9. There's some real keyboard tough guys on this board, that's for DAMN sure.

    Yes, we are all "keyboard tough guys" :roll:

    People need to read all the posts and the original article before responding.

    Question for all the lesson learners. What lesson would have been taught by the winning team laying down after 50 points?

  10. Full-court press and 3-point shots when the game is a blowout at the half is absurd. This isn't about raising pansies. This is about right and wrong. 100-0 against a team from a school for the learning disabled that hasn't one a game in 4 years? Come on. I'm all for "suck it up" and the like, and I'm all for personal responsibility but I can't help still feeling like the coach of the winning team needs sanctions from the league. He could have easily put a stop to it, but chose to keep blasting away as if he was playing the Celtics for the championship. Ridiculous.

    If they were playing against a school for the mentally handicapped, then that might be a choice. Kids with ADHD and Dyslexia are not handicapped. They can play a sport the same as everyone else. So no, I do not feel that the coach was wrong.

    Maybe that school needs to drop to a lower division, where they might win a game?

  11. So you were pulled from the game for being good at something?

    You played your best and showed good sportsmanship by helping the other player up, yet you were punished for the effort.

    The other teams you play in sports have just as much time to practice as you do. if they choose not to excel, that is their choice. NO child should be held back for doing their best. That is the most counter productive thing we can do to a child.

    Any sport I played as a child, I always wanted to play the best teams. Did not matter if we got killed in the game, it made you better. If you compete against mediocre players, you will become mediocre. If you play against the best, it will make you play your best and you will only get better!

  12. watch this and tell me which game you would rather watch:


    Ive got dwayne's back on this one. What is one of the greatest examples of "winning at all costs". The american business market during the 80s-90s. It is why your economy is in the shape that it is now. Profits at any costs have destroyed your companies but made your CEO's and shareholders millionaires, while your dad probably had to retrain for a new career at age 50.

    Anytime, you are doing something at the expense of someone else, you really need to think about what you are achieving. It is like a prize-fighter delivering the brain-damaging blow to an opponent that is already "out-on-his-feet". You win the fight, but put a man in a coma, what have you won ?

    Business is a win at all costs game. I would not run a business to lose money!

    As for the prize fighter, It is called a Knock out!!!!!! When you enter into any sport you know the risks involved. You should also know that someone will lose and it may be bad.

    What was this basketball team suppose to do. Just stop playing and let the other team score? Give me a break. This is the real world. It is a eat or be eaten world. If you do not teach kids how to deal with losing, they will not make it.

    As was stated, this is why we have so many young people on antidepressant meds. They expect everyone to be kind and let them by with trying!


    Do not even bring military service into this. They are trained by the military how to adapt. Every generation has fought for this country. Many have lost more, but that is not the point. I highly respect the youth that are defending this country. They have learned what the real world is like.

    Not all of this generation is like this. There are a lot that understand and are hard workers. Most had parents that taught them this, because they knew they would need it in life.

  13. We use a box system. These are cardboard boxes. They are stocked by supply, then wrapped in plastic. End of shift, you bring in any box that was opened and exchange it for a new box. Supply then restocks it and reseals it. They keep premade boxes in supply. You are required to fill out a check off sheet, that shows all boxes are present on the truck, at the end of shift. Then the truck is ready for the next shift. All you have to check off is the jump bag and restock what is needed.

    It works fairly well and makes restocking easier on the crews.

  14. ERDoc,

    I have agreed that the name is wrong, but I do not agree with the government having a say in it! There are stupid people in this world and we have to deal with that.

    If we let the government start having a say in this situation ,how do we stop it when it goes to far? Maybe the government starts deciding that other names are wrong and starts banning them. Maybe they decide that all Muslim names are inappropriate and should be banned, maybe common Jewish or biblical names are wrong and should be banned. Where does it stop?

    Sorry, the government has a history of taking things too far and stepping all over an individuals personal rights!

  15. As Scuba pointed out, the child can change their name, when they reach the age to make that decision. The Government is not there to decide what name you can give your child. I am sure that there is more to the story then just the names.

    How many of you use your middle name at all? Hitler would be his middle name and he can choose not to use it. Adolf is a common German name and there is nothing wrong with it. So how is his life going to be torment, if he does not use his middle name?

    I do not agree with what they named their kids, but that is their choice and their right. I could bring up a lot of names that are popular today, that I think are ridiculous. But, it was the parents right to name their child what they wanted.

    If we look at the child being tormented growing up, should the gov. outlaw interracial marriage? The child will grow up being made fun of by both black and white. Does that make it wrong?

    Yes, that is a dumb comparison, but it should show you how this all sounds!

  16. I'm not at all opposed to them legally changing their own names to suit their ideological/political views regardless whether or not they offend me or others. But does their freedom of speech over ride their children's right to the persuit of happiness? Do they have the right to get their kids' assess kicked every day? Retard their ability to blend and belong with their classmates, to get a job?


    Actually, Yes they do. That is the freedom you enjoy too.

    Yes, they are white trash racists. but they still have the freedom to name their kids anything they want to. No one else besides the parents and the children have a say in it!

  17. thanks again guys for all the nice wishes............... now if i was hidden away in a mountain with a hunk that would be the coolest bd ever so i guess that next year all my internet kids will have to work on that one!

    I love you all thanks for the memories.....and thanks to all who sent e cards and pms too :):):)

    I told you I was stuck working and could not get off! :D

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