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Posts posted by firedoc5

  1. I held a drivers license for several years before applying to drive my Volley Ambulance, as well as work the back. I was denied driving.

    Another person joined the corps, with a license held for barely a month. The individual was a month older than I was. Accepted for driving!

    All I can figure is, Politics!

    I just hate it when that happens.

  2. I'll put the meetup together for the west of the mississippi folks and terri and nyp and ssg can put the east side together.

    Anyone can attend either of them or both of them time permitting.

    That would be cool. Way back when...I was in FFA and the national convention was held centrally in Kansas City, MO. But in recent years they've had it in Indianapolis, which is now considered centrally.

    But personally, St.Louis would be ideal for me. But I'm just one person. :dontknow:

  3. Prob be S.W. IN (probably Evansville) but we may look at Indy also (we are going to look at some houses in Evansville in a couple of weeks when we are on vacation)

    Any help would be much appreciated :)

    I'm just about an hour from Evansville. I know Evansville quite well. Actually I spent the night in a hospital over there a couple of weeks ago for chest pain. All the cardiac tests came back negative, so they are blaming it on a neuro-muscular problem I have.

    But with possibly going to be that close, it's a small world after all. :thumbleft:

  4. i'm going to be going for my MA state emt-b. i have tried oems.com but can't seem to find any upcoming dates for practicals.

    You may want to see if you can find a class through your last instructor to be able to audit a class that is finishing up and getting ready to test for their first time. Is there a time limit between failing a test and being able to re-test? I know some states that if there is too much time between testing you might have to repeat the class. You may want to be sure you haven't gone over a time-table if it was last spring that you had your problem.

  5. Thanks for replying

    As far as actually getting a license is concerned, I can get that as soon as I have my green card / SSN and have fulfilled the required length of time holding a permit. So, the fact I'm a foreigner shuld be a non-issue. (thankfully :lol: )

    The main concern was re. insurance and length of time holding my license, but if you don't think that insurance companies look into length of time then that is definetly helpful :D


    BTW I will be living in IN.

    KEWL, I'm right next door in IL. Where at in IN? I'll give my old service a call, they should be able to tell me something, if they hadn't forgotten about me. :confused4:

  6. It would depend on what state you will be in when you get your license. I'm not sure how nationality works with getting a license. But once you do, and make sure you get the right classification, there shouldn't be any problems. I don't know of any state or insurance agency that takes in consideration with how long you have had a license especially if you are over 21. That's something that I'll try and look up.

  7. Something funny along the lines of this...my Homeowners insurance cancelled my earthquake policy (Took one out when we bought the house 5 years ago)

    Even though we are in Alabama, I still think its funny they are doing everything possible to limit their exposure---

    Face it....we are not prepared for anything more than a minor problem occuring....

    I've been told that no matter where you live, always have earthquake and flood insurance.

  8. We responded to a full arrest one morning. Did all the usual ACLS protocols. Initial quick look showed a rhythm but not clear. No pulse. PEA (or old school EMD). Finally placed leads. Got a better look at the rhythm. It was actually showing a 2nd degree block mobits one (winkebach), still no pulse. Never seen or heard of that, and neither did the ER staff. Sent a strip and the doc on the radio confirmed it. Followed protocol for PEA. During transport went into fine v-fib. Defib x3. No conversion. If it wasn't for sending a strip and documenting on paper no one would have believed us.

  9. Let's see, I want a limo at the airport with a female driver. If limo not available I'll take a helo. I'd like to stay at either the Belagio or Lexor. And could you get me into a Tex. Hold. poker game, and if all possible play in my room? 8)

    And if you have to change the city to Reno, I'd appreciate it if you could get me a few games at the National Bowling Center.

  10. But firedoc5. didn't you take your EMT class over the summer? There is a difference between some overlapping with high school and being a class during the school year. I think that is what EMS49393 was alluding to and I feel confident she will correct me if I'm wrong. Instead of taking courses that should be required to proceed to a higher level of learning, the option to go play fireman is in place instead.

    How is that progressive?

    Actually the EMT class overlapped about three weeks into the new school year. And since I was quite 17 when I passed the state test I had to wait a couple more weeks before I could actually function. Made my first official run the day before my 18th birthday. The state gave me the one day.

    Is the EMT classes being offered at the high school?

  11. What a fantastic idea!! Let's forget all about algebra, English Lit., Chemistry, History, and all of those other useless classes they offer in high school. It's much more important to learn how to put out a fire or sling a bandaid at 16. It's not like you have to be literate to be an EMT anymore. :roll:

    The down side is the make up homework. :homework: As long as I kept up grades and got all my assignments done it was no problem with me running. But I knew that if I let any of them drop everyone concerned would have pulled me off duty. Actually I think I made better grades because I wanted to be sure I'd keep running.

  12. Looks like classic hypoglycemic episode with possible mild dehydration.

    Or maybe he caught an STD from the alien probe. :shock:

    I concur, spenac. :-k

    I thought this topic was going to be about having to work fairs. Usually hot, dusty, sometimes rainy, just miserable especially if you're in uniform and can't wear t-shirts. And circus' are worse. The only fun time is if you are doing crash/fire/rescue in the track infield. Or covering a concert. It can still be miserable, but you just don't care as much. :)/

  13. If I have a female bleeding excessively or bleeding when not her period, she gets checked.


    Had one of our regular, let's say GOMER, one night. vaginal bleeding, not menstruating, no pregnancy, no recent intercourse. At first she denied any foreign object that may have caused any trauma. Between her and her friend's information they gave us something didn't jive. And we asked them all a few times. Their stories were inconsistent each time which caused even more confusion. Got her to the ER and doc did a pelvic. She had a moderate torn uterus. Of course when the ER staff asked she came right out and gave a whole new story. Something about a dare, coke bottle, and broom stick. (I'm not kidding) But the doc asked me why I didn't give the same information as she did. (And I hate it when that happens :cussing: I just explained that I had to go with what she and her friends said and I pointed out that we don't do pelvics in the field. I think he understood the break down of communication.

  14. Why would you give narcan for Rohypnol? I wouldn't expect it to have any effect seeing as it is an opiod antagonist.

    EDIT: I forgot to say anything about the pt. Why does he have water on the brain? Is he perhaps an alcoholic? Maybe a little thiamine and dextrose will do him some good.

    I'm sorry, I was meaning to say that whether it was hydrochlorate or Rohypnol or anything unkown, we'd always give it. If it works, then great. But if it doesn't, it won't hurt anything. Sort of like covering all your bases. Clear as mud?

  15. at my high school Firefighter 1 and 2 training and EMT-B training is offered as an elective course. im not sure how it works in other states but here is about a 3 1/2 hr long class for fire for a semester and then its EMT-B. At the end of the course you can take the state exam and get certified.

    Wow, progressive high school. When I did take my first EMT class over the summer it helped that the high school principal was in the same class. And the school superintendent was in the previous class. It was a BLAST :blob7: taking it at the same time as him. We even occasionally went on calls together during class. And we would be put on call in the evenings. But all in all, not all the teachers were too hip on me getting called out of school, even when the principal was with me. :dontknow:

  16. Faster is not a good thing. Slow down for your safety and everyone elses safety.

    This was debated in full detail in our system. Yes, there has been cases regarding an interstate transfer where they stressed time was of the essence. This was back when an available helo. was not an option. I myself have had a doc ask how fast I could get from point A to point B, and to keep the accelerator down. I was with a private amb. serv. at the time, and it was the only service in the county. We called them "kamikaze runs". Yes, we drove fast, at times probably too fast. There were just a select few of us that were assigned to those types of transfers. And even fewer of us that would be requested by either docs or nurses to be the driver. I look back now and think of what we risked and I think how ridiculous it was. Being young and stupid I guess. But one thing we did take into consideration was knowing our limitations and respecting them. We would use common sense and not drive to where we were uneasy feeling. But I'll be the first to admit that at times it was too fast and wouldn't dare do it again.

    One night we had a call of a school bus off into a large lake just off the interstate. It was during basketball season so it was possible. There were several of us playing cards so we were able to get five units out in 90 seconds. Luckily it was a hoax call, but we didn't know that until we searched for about 45 mins. While heading out the gal with me kept urging me to go faster. I told her I had the pedal down and my foot in the carburetor. I could actually feel the front start floating so I backed it down. Later on a state trooper asked me if I knew how fast I was going. I said I didn't because the speedometer only went to 85. He said he clocked me at 133. That was a wake up call for me. And Mary, the gal that was with me and kept urging me to go faster, was freaked. Like I said, young and stupid. :tongue3:

  17. Something I was sold on by one of my Lt.s is the use of Rain X on all vehicle's windshields. I was a little skeptical at first, but believe me it makes a BIG difference. We'd try and apply it once a month. Try it, you'll like it.

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