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Just Plain Ruff

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Status Updates posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. No Jennifer, my meeting has not started yet.

  2. here is something to make you feel insignificant. If someone is looking at our solar system from the nearest galaxy from the milky way, You and I are dead. The light that they are seeing is many many thousands of years old which would make you and I already dead. Sort of humbling isn't it?

  3. Every speaker at this retreat has said nearly 50 umms, but then again, we are working for University of Maryland Medical System and the abbreviation for the hospital is Umm

  4. Is anyone out there ITIL foundations certified and if you are, do you have any materials that you used to take the test? If so I'd love to either purchase them from you or pay shipping if you are willing to let me borrow them for a little bit of time. I'm looking to get ITIL foundations to start and then move up the list of tests to get my ITIL Expert. It will really help my career. Thanks

  5. Liam is at Baltimore Washington Medical Center ER. He fell and broke his two top front teeth off at the gums. Neck and facial pain. Hes gonna be a hurtin unit tonight. Prayers appreciated.

  6. Where have all the Ebola Cases gone? I thought we would see hundreds of cases by now if you listened to both the mainstream media, the conspiracy theories on Facebook, and just plain facebook! Just where are those massive amounts of Ebola Cases we needed to prepare for?

  7. I have decided to boycott Chik fil a on Sundays. I will no longer patronize them on Sunday.

    1. xstreetsweeperx


      I think everyone boycotts Chick Fil A on sundays

    2. wlittle


      Good for you Cap!

  8. Ok gang, Is field hockey a guys or girls sport?

  9. Ok my raymore and Belton and surrounding area friends. Your wait is over and soon you wont have to drive to overland park anymore for self serve yogurt. I dont know the opening date but the strip mall that houses the radio shack and papa johns will soon have a Cherry Berry self serve yogurt shop. Please support this shop as the space it will be occupying seems to be a space that has been a bad location for food places in the past. I and my family plan to support this local shop. If you wan...

  10. Each time Chik-Fil-A is mentioned on Facebook a Star burns out. There's only a finite number of stars out there people. So just think about this when you post.

  11. Why no live coverage of the opening ceramonies?

  12. Ok now I'm really frustrated.

  13. So google free highspeed internet isn't so free afterall. to get the free internet they are offering it's going to cost 300.00 to get it installed as an up front cost all at once or you can pay 25.00 a month for one year. Or you can pay 75.00 per month for higher speed or 125 per month. So it's not really free until a year after you get it. So much for it being completely free.

  14. Ok, I'm about sick and tired of this Chik Fil A scandal(it isn't one), the posts from one person about Jim Oden (16 in one day), all the political ads from a couple of the places that I supposedly clicked on that (thought) I liked so what I'm going to do tonight is I'm going to clean out my friends list. Sorry but this is way too much noise and disinformation for me. IT's time for a semi-annual friends list purge. But this time it's a negative vibration purge. No more negative vibrat...

  15. Its story time at the cass county library. Time for the headphones. 35 screaming children for one hour. joy joy joy

  16. My son wants to know where he can get a good hunk of Haggis in Kansas City??? and YES he knows what it is.

  17. Public Defenders dream job, defending a mass murderer and mass shooter. If she get's him acquitted then she can write her own ticket to any lawfirm in the USA. What a deal. But can you imagine the stress she's dealing with.

    1. scubanurse


      The head PD is defending him... he just wasn't the one at the hearing today since it was delayed to next week anyways.

  18. Does anyone else have a issue with a 59 year old lady playing a young boy who refuses to grow up?

  19. Katarina got to try cheerios for the first time the other night. They are like catnip to her. She gets done with one and just demands the next one. I think we found her favorite food.

  20. Went to see Brave today. Found this to probably my favorite movie I have seen this year or perhaps in the past several years. I found myself even crying in this movie and I very rarely cry in movies. I waited a long time to see this movie and I was NOT disappointed. To say I loved the movie might be an understatement. I had a great time with Liam. I highly recommend this movie to anyone except children 6 or younger.

  21. OK, Dangerous heat advisory for rest of week. Possibly it might hit 107 or 108 on friday or saturday. My son has Webelos camp thurs friday and saturday. How many people would consider keeping their child home out of the heat and how many would still go to camp. Bear in mind, I will be with him. But is this weather too dangerous to be out with only minimal areas to cool down like a pool and shade trees? Or am I over reacting on this heat thing? Also remember, Im also a paramedic so I...

  22. I love my wife. She is TMIWITW. Whoever can decipher that gets a dozen virtual roses sent to your virtual house as a virtual atta boy or girl.

    1. BillKaneEMT


      The most interesting woman in the world? Or perhaps the most interesting wife in the world. 2 things: First, you are an extremely lucky man. Second, I love those commercials.

  23. forget the people of walmart, go to the customer service center at Comcast cable.

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