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chief darkcloud

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Everything posted by chief darkcloud

  1. Im so glad i don't have to worry about babysitters anymore as it seems to get harder to find one that is reliable and competent. I have to agree with the other posters as in type of relationship you have in your life you always have that first impression good or bad. If you get a bad impression then move on and if a good one shows up get the number and then do a proper interview.
  2. i think i need some soapbox speeches of denial before i decide.
  3. as someone who has quit my advise is this. It will take more than one attempt, you will always have the desire to smoke it just dosn't happen everyday, and the nicotine fits really only last for 5 minutes,(iv timed them) and stress ball in your hand helps. patches help but you have to put them on in the morning and you have to wear them for the perscribed amount of time. it does come down to will power and you have to not let every stress situation send you to the smoking area. i wish you the best and believe me one day the smell will send you up to orbit because to tell you the truth smokers stink.
  4. the only reason for ice that i was taught was for swelling and pain control. 10 mins on and 10 off. I try to put ice on as soon as i have done my assessment of the fracture and then if protocal is warrented it entonox. got love a happy pt.
  5. every one fr volly to full time should be tested on a regular basis. anyone that touches a pt should have some original qualifications and should be annually tested in their knowledge and physical fitness
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