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Posts posted by ninjaemtff

  1. The only problem is at times all you hear is the last number. You think you have the right back up unit on the way. A different # 2 shows up than you expected.

    That is why, in our county, if our dispatchers are unsure of who placed themselves responded, they will say is this Ambulance 7-2 or Responder 7-2. Then they will be able to advise us on scene. For a small county, we have our act together for the most part. Don't get me wrong there is always room for improvement, but for what we have to work with, I believe we are doing a good job.

  2. At my station we have Ambulance 7-1, Ambulacne 7-2, Ambulance 7-3, Tanker 7-1,Brush 7-1, Engine 7-1, Engine 7-1

    We do it this way in order to comply with dispatche centers CAD system. Not to mention it keeps things more organized and gives us a more professional look.

  3. Well, I must say we got lucky with that code, it was a "text book case." We were dispatched, the guy was CAO x 3, Chest pain trouble breathing. Responding, he was unconscious but breathing. About 3 minutes out cardiac arrest, CPR being initialized. Arrived on scene, took over CPR, zapped em, loaded went, still alive and kicking today.

  4. Ok, I had this call a few months ago, I want to see what care you all would give. Then I will tell you what I did, and what resulted from my care.

    Dispatched for an assault victim, alcohol involved PD is to be en route. You arrive on scene once assured that the scene is safe. PD has a 39 y/o female. Apparent intoxication, however no apparent injuries. You start your assessment, and upon assessment you find that pt is complaining of neck and back pain and wishes to be transported to the local hospital. Shortly after pt tells you this, she changes her mind, says she does not want to go to the hospital. PD advises her that she can either go to the hospital or jail. Pt states she would rather go to jail then to the hospital. PD takes her into custody and requests a refusal form be filled out for legality. You fill the refusal form out but you are unable to contact command due to being in the mountains with no service. PD requests that you stay on scene because they are searching for the assaulter. You stay on scene and hang out with PD. Well the pt decides she no longer wants to go to jail she would rather go to the hospital first. Redo assessment, upon assessment pt states "I don't hurt anywhere, don't touch me just leave me the f**k alone while we go to the hospital." Pd rides along. The entire way pt tells you she is uninjured, and wants no treatment.

    How would you treat this pt?

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