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Posts posted by chaser

  1. Since EMS week is approaching.

    What is the snake thing in the middle?

    I've only seen them referred to as serpents.

    An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.

    (LOL- so was my ex's)

    Ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows to mourn the deaths of their cats.

    Armored knights raised their visors to identify themselves when they rode past their king. This custom has become the modern military salute.

    Barbie's measurements if she were life size: 39-23-33.

    Brazil got its name from the nut, not the other way around.

  2. ...The ICO went to the Captain on duty who determined without even laying eyes on me or the needle that this was "not an exposure" and that nothing needs to be done. The ICO has fought this to the highest possible level at this point, making the case that the ICO has the ultimate authority here, not a Captain on duty or even our Chief. However, the brass is saying that the captain was right, again without even seeing me or the needle in question, and to do nothing. To make matters worse, the Captain disposed of the needle! There is nothing to double check now!...

    I agree with getting all your documentation in order. To brush you off and sweep everything under the carpet is just wrong.

    There should be written protocols for needle exposure, or anything else for that matter. Where is OSHA in all this?

    You most likely will be fine, but if not, then what? What about the next person this happens to, or for that matter, how many times has this happened before?

    I would go after their asses.

  3. I wonder about this:

    ...The elder Askew said her daughter came to the Army after losing custody of her children, Dayne and Chase. Sandra Askew said her daughter divorced in the late 1990s and years later lost custody after an incident when one of the children was spanked. She said a visitation battle continued, with Askew rarely getting to see the children...

    Lost custody due to a spanking? I think there is more to that story. But regardless, whatever the issues, she seemed to be trying hard to live a life helping & serving others. She obviously put great pressure on herself, and felt there was no other way out. How sad for her, her kids, and her family.

    Someone mentioned suicide is a selfish act. Sometimes it is, it is the ultimate F*** You. But there are other cases when this isn't true.

    I think this is one of them.

  4. Anyone just come across trivia that's just bizarre but interesting(maybe it's just me) ???

    Care to share?

    Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' cloakroom in the ancestral castle of Blenheim. His mother was attending a formal ball there when she prematurely delivered.

    (hmmm, that started a trend among teenagers)

    The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

    Butterflies taste with their feet.

    A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.

  5. ...And they must be cut flowers, nothing potted. It's gotta be mortal; it has to have a temporary life-span, it's gotta be dying. Somehow that implies sacrifice. Don't stop to analyze, ...

    *Edit: You should believe it too.

    You missed my birthday Michael, but I think I am glad.

  6. ...The girl I'm seeing will be graduating paramedic school in the next 2 months. I am looking for a gift for her. I don't want to go with the standard new steth , t-shirts, or EMS jewelry...

    That is so sweet to recognize her graduation. If she was finishing as an accountant, would you get her a calculator? You mentioned you didn't want to go with the standard EMS stuff..

    So why not get her something for her house? Something decorative she will have and will be around that will remind of her of you, and the occasion. Windchimes, something for her garden, a gift that signifies your interests together outside work.

    Just a thought. :)

  7. ... You're Monday morning quarterbacking with the benefit of information that we did not have at that time, which is either ignorant or dishonest.

    Wow Dust, you getting snippy with me?? Which am I, ignorant or dishonest?

  8. That was not known until much later.

    At the time he received that notification, there was no known unfolding situation. It was just a plane crash, about which a president can do nothing. You're Monday morning quarterbacking with the benefit of information that we did not have at that time, which is either ignorant or dishonest.

    I was watching the news live, showing the first crash. That seemed an accident, but when the second plane hit and the news caught it live, even I knew it was no accident. This was all around 9:30am PT.

    The news was still showing the people jumping out the windows. They cut that out later.

    It was apparent very early there was a situation occuring.

  9. ...Personally, I was impressed that the President didn't freak out like a little girl when told that a plane had crashed...Would jumping up and running out of the room have helped anything?

    LOL, I was too. And no, flipping out and running from the classroom would not help matters.

    ... Do you know how many times planes crashed in those eight years? And before that day, has there ever been an instance in history where a president was actually required to take any kind of action over a simple plane crash?

    Come on, this was not just a simple plane crash, and not one we have had in our history.

    But I would have expected a rather calmer way to get up and excuse himself from the classroom to begin to deal with the situation unfolding.

    Love the sarcasm though, almost as good as Jourdon's.

  10. Not truly knowing the familial history of the Roosevelts but weren't teddy and FDR related?

    What about the Adam's?

    But let's not make this a Obama versus Bush thing. That ship has sailed.

    Let's play the race card ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Franklin Roosevelt: fourth cousin three times removed of John Quincy Adams, third cousin four times removed of Martin Van Buren, half fourth cousin three times removed of Zachary Taylor, seventh cousin once removed of Millard Fillmore, sixth cousin twice removed of Franklin Pierce, fourth cousin once removed of Ulysses Grant, sixth cousin once removed of Rutherford Hayes, half eighth cousin of Grover Cleveland, fifth cousin of Theodore Roosevelt (although his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, was a niece of Theodore), sixth cousin twice removed of William Taft, seventh cousin once removed of Calvin Coolidge.

  11. ...Community organizer" gets him into the IL Senate, which got him into the US Senate, which got him in front of a teleprompter at the 2004 DNC, which got him into the White House...

    Yes, nepotism and apathy are so much better for our country. :rolleyes:

  12. ...

    At least President Bush didn't need a teleprompter to read the goat story.

    At least he is prepared instead of acting like a deer in headlights.

    ( And, can we say for sure George didn't need help with big words in the book??)

  13. That makes a very bold, and yet unproven assumption that we know the person he is. I submit we only know the person he wants us to think he is.

    Yes, Dust, typical of any politician.

    I guess we will see how he does. I have the utmost confidence in him, much more than what I have seen in the past few years.

    Don't think he would hesitant to finish the goat story to pass off other pressing matters.

  14. ...this letter doesn't really do anything...

    You must be joking. Regardless of whether it was written by the claimed author or dictated, it protrays a very important picture of the past of this country.

    History should be paid attention to, and learned from.

    Times change, and sometimes for the better.

    Now (for those in the US) we have a black president. Go figure. People could see beyond color and choose him for the person he is. Yahoo!!!

  15. My thoughts too, Wendy.

    It is a very literate and well written letter, which raises some suspicions on who actually drafted the letter. For an era in which education was denied to slaves or difficult to access, at least in the South, this was written by a well educated person.

    Although, here is the source quoted at the end of the letter:

    [This letter appeared in The Freedman's Book, a collection of writings by "colored authors" compiled in 1865 by the abolitionist Lydia Maria Child.]

    Update: Thanks to commenter ZacMatic, who found the entire scanned book at Google Books; it's actually called The Freedmen's Book. Also, the letter was published in two different newspapers, the Cincinnati Commercial and then the New York Tribune, before appearing in Child's book.

  16. My grandmother, and my mom, taught me an attitude to not curse routinely, otherwise, how would anyone know you're really upset? If you use curses routinely, there is no shock value when used during times of anger.

    (Grandmother S, and Momma B, 2 smart ladies, these!)

    LOL Richard!!

    Wise woman indeed. For life in general, you should always pick your battles carefully, and when you do pick....

    those who know you will recognize the distinction!! ;)

  17. ...I'm studying Respiratory Therapy. I know that I am meant to have a job in the Healthcare profession, doing what exactly, I don't know. I am strong in A&P and the "biology" type classes, however chemistry is kicking my butt! I took general chemistry once, and failed.

    If you were in my shoes, which option would you chose?...

    I wouldn't be so quick to give up on your path.

    As others have commented, think hard about where the difficulties come from in regards to Chemistry. Also , consider you are sabotaging yourself now due to previous failures.

    Is Organic Chemistry an option? If you have had A & P & biology courses, you probably have met the pre- reqs for it. I will bet you will find this more interesting, and have more success in studying it. It relates more directly to health care then general Chemistry.

    Just a thought. Best of luck to you, don't give up.

  18. .......things are not closer than they appear..........

    A man was being tailgated by a stressed out woman on a busy boulevard. Suddenly, the light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection.

    The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.

    As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up.

    He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell. After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.

    He said, ''I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the 'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk; naturally...I assumed you had stolen the car .''

  19. ... If there are females present and I am working, and a person curses.. I kindly ask them not to. If they continue I ask them again. If they still do it, I might get pissy about it depending on the situation...

    That is so far from the issue. Regardless of the gender of the caller, it was uncalled for. Had this been an upset son, somehow the outcome would be different?? That calls for a different reaction???? It shouldn't.

    I can only speak for me, but someone "curses" if front of me-- who the f**k cares. Do your job.

    Oh, and I am female, just for the record.

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