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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2011 in Posts

  1. Reviewing your information is good, but understanding how the NR exam is written may also be of some help? I've posted somewhere here before, but this is my take on the exam: Schedule the test for when you are at your best. Get a good nights sleep the evening before. No partying...no booze...etc. As is always suggested, eat a good, solid, protein based meal prior to going in. Go in with confidence. As you begin the test, read each question thoroughly. Then, read each answer thoroughly. You can usually throw out two answers pretty quickly. Between the remaining two options, reread the question to determine exactly what it is they are looking for. Was it the MOST or the LEAST...was it NOT? Sometimes these words can trip you up. As you look to respond, think about what you learned and in what order. Remember your ABCs. Don't make it harder than it is. And, understand your test anxieties and figure out how to get around them. You know they exist...you can't not take the test...so you'll have to work this one out on your own. I hope this is what you are looking for. If not, be more specific and we will see what we can do. Toni
    2 points
  2. Easy, Dwayne. We're minimalists. It's the new trend in creativity. In fact, it's so new we're ahead of the curve. Trendsetters, so to speak.
    1 point
  3. You know Toni when I took my basic we had a guy come in and teach us that, and I use it still. He claimed that it raised class score averages by around 14%, though I have no idea how he came up with that number. And I have certainly found all of that advice to be true. In multiple choice there almost always, maybe always, a 'throw away' and a, in his words, 'distracter.' Uncover them and you are down to 50/50. I truly believe that freaking out is what causes most failed tests. You have to remember that it is a terribly simple test. Look at the people that you've seen that have taken it an passed. There are a lot of chuckleheads in that group, right? Relax Brother. You're only going to use a small amount of the time available to take the test...you practically have all day. You got ridiculed at the other site? I've never known of that to be a very hardcore site, though I've not been there more than once or twice in the last several years...maybe they've sacked up since then.. Dwayne
    1 point
  4. Yea.... I don't get where you hopped on him. His statements actually helped me to think through more of what was going on with this lady, since cardiac is something I haven't had a chance to sink my teeth into yet. I thought his statements were reasonable, and the treatment idea in line with what the general consensus seems to be, which is no antiarrhythmics for this one. Also, a thread isn't "dead" until we've hit 17 pages and someone starts swearing at the troll, or it's locked, or it's been SEVERAL MONTHS. 10 days is nothing; some of us don't check the forum every day all the time... so when we float in and out, we find threads that most folks are done with, but we might not be yet. Just my thoughts. Wendy CO EMT-B
    1 point
  5. First of all, I'm not a newbie to the forum as I haven't posted in a while (especially after the start of charging for the chat), if you noticed, I joined in april 2007. Secondly, I never referenced the surgery she had when i stated she had lost her atrial kick from the afib, which would cause a lower ejection fraction by itself. Third, I did read the post hence when I said, "...degraded ejection fraction is not surprising, especially as time from surgical repair increases," basing that statement on the fact that she did have surgery and just quite possibly, she has a recurrence of the original problem. Fourth, yes she is 82 years old and it is not uncommon for someone of 80 y/o to have transplant or vad, one in particular, Carrol Shelby (of the car fame) had his done late 70's or early in his 80's. Fifth, I never suggested treating this patient in the field, merely speculating since brainstorming is always fun and educational. I never claim to know all the answers, hence I used the terms I suspect, not I know. Finally, as an elite member of the forum and fellow arizonan, I would have figured you would be more polite in posting rather than mocking someone who took an interest in your post, albeit dead (whatever the hell that means since the prior post was 10 days previous to mine).
    1 point
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