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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2010 in all areas

  1. Hi all, I didn't know where to put this. So here goes. I am looking for a particular Paramedic/ EMS/ EMT T shirt. The writing states something similar to; We don't deserve to be called Heroes but then we don't deserve to be vomited on either. I have searched but I still cannot find and would be very grateful to anyone who would be able to help. Thanks for your help.
    1 point
  2. Wow this makes no sense. The article didn't mention anything about AMR so I am not convinced they are even involved in this decision. It would make no sense for AMR, county, or whatever to drop ALS from their fire department response. I work in a system much like this one where the fire dept responds on our calls and is ALS and often times gets their before us. There are 10 fire stations (double the amount of ALS ambulances usually) and they receive the 911 call first. So often they get on scene first. For the most part transfer of care from fire to us goes on without any issues. Sure we are human and disagree on things from time to time but it is understood that the transporting paramedic is overall responsible for patient care once on scene, as they are the one writing the patient care report as well as transporting the patient. Usually the fire paramedic does not stay with the patient to the hospital except when the extra hands are needed for a critical patient. The biggest question I have is WHY? This sounds political. It is to bad, and someone is likely to be injured or die due to the inability of the fire department to intervene with ALS even though they have the training. The calls are rare where the few minutes the fire dept arrives first and ALS interventions will make a true difference but like the article mention CODES etc are great examples of when seconds and minutes can count. And as for the above comment of AMR sucks I gave a negative reputation due to the negative comment without need or support. We all have our opinions sometimes they arn't appropriate.
    1 point
  3. This is why the ratings system is SO STUPID!! The guy asked a question. Just because you don't like the question doesn't mean you should hit him with a negative point!! It's supposed to be QUALITY OF POST... everything was spelled correctly, and this is a grand teachable moment if the idiots who knee-jerk would give us a little space and not goon it up... Please, anyone reading this, take a moment to give the kid some positive points to bring him back up to neutral rating... he's only got one post in here. Let's not run him off before he even gets started... Wendy CO EMT-B
    1 point
  4. AMR sucks, tries to take over EMS everywhere they go.......they failed in PA....
    -3 points
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