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Ipods and pacemakers

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A mention: some cell phones operate just below the radio frequencies of RADAR, which is microwave. As far back as I can recall on commercial microwave ovens, they have carried warnings about not allowing anyone with a pacemaker to get too close while operating.

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cell phones dont work in the subway...

Maybe not your subway. But they do in many subway systems throughout the country and world.

...not sure about pda's but i dont beleive they do either.

Yes, they do. All you have to do is turn them on. It doesn't matter where you are. So long as there is battery power it'll work.

i for one am glad this was brought to attention, however it hasnt even been thoroughly or completely researched.

Perhaps you haven't been reading AZCEP's and Ridryder's responses. It has been researched. It has been researched thoroughly.

If this is what you focus on and are concerned about despite everything else going on in the world then you have other issues that need to be addressed...and soon!

-be safe

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Maybe not your subway. But they do in many subway systems throughout the country and world.

Yes, they do. All you have to do is turn them on. It doesn't matter where you are. So long as there is battery power it'll work.

Perhaps you haven't been reading AZCEP's and Ridryder's responses. It has been researched. It has been researched thoroughly.

If this is what you focus on and are concerned about despite everything else going on in the world then you have other issues that need to be addressed...and soon!

-be safe

i didnt say this was breaking news, still glad the topic was brought up. and there will always be a more pressing issue thats more news worthy doesnt make it interesting. Just appreciate it for what it is. Another reminder about possible side affects/disruptions to a pacemaker.

And no it hasn't been thoroughly researched I want yourself (or your sources) AZCEP or Ridryder to show me at least 1 other research study about IPOD's and pacemakers!

If you took my response to be a relationship between electronics and pacemakers you are incorrect I was being specific in the reseach topic to be IPODS VS. Pacemakers.

again, appreciate it for what it is.

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You are being terribly short sighted in your search for information then.

iPods are but one of thousands of devices with the potential to interfere with medical devices. Computers in an office, cell phones in a public place, or even the microwave at the convenience store are all capable of disrupting the ability of a pacemaker to sense and deliver an impulse when it is supposed to.

No one considered this a problem due to the slim chance that the age group that will be at the most risk of having a pacemaker is also less likely to purchase an MP3 player, and carry it in a position where it is a legitimate threat.

Worry about the grandmother that is using a 1980's vintage, less than adequately shielded, microwave to heat the water for her cup of tea. This is a much more likely situation, and no one is publishing articles about these because they are old news. Throw out the "iPod" and no one is going to care either.

There is nothing to appreciate from this. A high school kid wanted to do a project that would get noticed for a science fair, and grabbed the attention of academia due to it's novelty. The principles of electromagnetic interference are well documented, and this does nothing to change what has already been learned.

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