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phone/internet consults


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In Australia we have a 1800 number called ‘Nurse on Call’, you ring this number, you get a registered nurse, you tell them your problem and they give you advice but they only have 3 minutes to decide whether you need to see a doctor or not. No guesses as to which one they would pick…

Also wadding through some online forms I have seen a lot of people post their medical problems and even some that were quiet emergent like “my mum is having chest pain” “how do I use a deffibulator” but most were “ I have a lump” “I have a headache” and I’ve even seen a few people bring their problems to us on this site.

Whilst on MSN at 3am (couldn’t sleep) I had a person ask me what to do with there mate who had past out… Things like this…

What do you guys think of over the phone/internet consults?

Are they worth there weight in gold or a complete waste of time?

Does there need to be better education as to when to use these sorts of things?

Do they actually take pressure of the public health system?

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Diagnosing over the phone the severity of someone's condition (especially when it's described by someone who's not professional and has little experience or descriptive ability) is like me trying to tell you why your car won't start by "feeling its vibes" through the internet. It is just kind of a dumb idea. I don't think it does much good, personally. But that's me.




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In Australia we have a 1800 number called ‘Nurse on Call’, you ring this number, you get a registered nurse, you tell them your problem and they give you advice but they only have 3 minutes to decide whether you need to see a doctor or not. No guesses as to which one they would pick…

Also wadding through some online forms I have seen a lot of people post their medical problems and even some that were quiet emergent like “my mum is having chest pain” “how do I use a deffibulator” but most were “ I have a lump” “I have a headache” and I’ve even seen a few people bring their problems to us on this site.

Whilst on MSN at 3am (couldn’t sleep) I had a person ask me what to do with there mate who had past out… Things like this…

What do you guys think of over the phone/internet consults?

Are they worth there weight in gold or a complete waste of time?

Does there need to be better education as to when to use these sorts of things?

Do they actually take pressure of the public health system?

Interesting question Timmy,

however, further examination of the facts about the nursing info line show it is a valuable service & more information, specifically about this service can be found here http://www.health.vic.gov.au/nurseoncall/faq.htm.

They ask a series of questions & then provide advice based on the responses given.

I can only asume it is a similar questionin system to what is used on our emergency lines, a system that is used worldwide & proven to sort the wheat from the chaf, so to speak.

This can reduce waiting times in ER's, it can free up paramedical resources & more to the point, put a pts mind at ease. How many patients do we see that just need to have their hand held & a bit of a chat with no transport required???????


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Interesting you should say that Phil, I had this discussion with my regional officer who is a trauma nurse at the Royal Melbourne ED, she says that this service has been a nightmare for the ED, they receive patients at 3am who say that the nurse on call advised them to get to ED even though the clinic isn’t open after hours. Now the nurse on call only has 3 options tell them they’ll be fine, go see a doctor or call an ambulance, they must make this decision within 3 minutes.

My mum rang them one night after my little bro was stung by a wasp and his arm blew up like an elephant. I must say the nurse didn’t say any different from what I already had done, the amount of stupid things they ask before they actually ask what the problem is – what’s your address, do you mind if we send a survey, how did you find out about our service, will you call us again, did you find the info we provided helpful blah blah blah

I suppose it would help ease the pressure a little but people who ring will of course make there presentation sound like there dying in order to receive appropriate treatment so instead of waiting till the next day to book an appointment with there local GP the nurse tells them to present to ED.

Anyhow, I’m only going on what I’ve been told.

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