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decibels inside the ambulance


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I started this thread because I was wondering if the noise inside the cab might be loud enough to cause hearing loss over time. My company does not issue any hearing protection, and I'm wondering if they are violating any OSHA standards.

It would take a very specific assessment of the levels in your specific vehicles to make that absolute determination. There are indeed *average* levels that are listed for such exposures, but to be in violation, an actual reading at the actual site must be taken. Then they have to calculate the average exposure time that each employee endures. It is the combination of levels and times that combine to make the determination, not just levels alone.

Regardless of whether they are in official violation or not, if you suffer damage, they are liable. Well, *technically* they are liable. When it comes down to it, it's their lawyer against your lawyer.

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Well, the problem is that if we suffer hearing loss, how do we prove that it's job related? No doubt their lawyers would ask if we've ever attended a rock concert, auto race, whatever. I'm thinking that the reason my company may not be providing hearing protection is for this reason---that it would be pretty much impossible to prove that any hearing loss was job related. Of course I'm not sure--maybe the noise levels inside the ambulance are not loud enough to cause hearing damage. What decibel levels are considered safe?

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