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EMT Class - four weeks?


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Thank you all for your input esp dust, After thinking it over Im going to look for another school I work fulltime and I want to actually learn and find a way to fit a few classes in a week. I'm in Los Angeles so hopefully I'll be able to find something rather soon.

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Since Basic EMT is the foundation all EMT levels are built upon, it is very important on the program one chooses. I agree it is the determination and desire of the individual, and the length is somewhat is immaterial, I do believe the length should be extended enough to allow one to absorb and comprehend the material as well as have ample of time to practice skills and perform several scenarios. It can not be over emphasized this is the place to allow students to make mistakes and learn to correct them, not on true patients.

One could compare medical schools or any education system the same way.. all have basically the same requirements and length of time.. but mention Harvard Medical School in comparison to Ten Buck Two State University. why the difference in reputation, will they produce better physicians?.. The difference is not the books, the basic equipment, etc.. it is the personality of those that usually attend or accepted, the study habits and perseverance, as well as the high demand and expectations placed on these students. To excel and learn more than what is in the text, and to explore and challenge outside the "norm".

So when choosing any course look at the outline, compare it to others, ask around, what is their reputation and percentage of students hired into EMS? What is their pass rate on cert levels? It does not matter how good you are if you cannot pass the boards! What percentage proceed into advance levels? What is the length of clinical hours, lab hours to practice, is there scenario base skills labs to hone and practice before entering the work force? (remember, practice makes perfect) ..

I have found majority of the time .. If one takes the easy way, one will pay for it later, down the line... I know I have paid for the short cuts, and have seen others.. I highly suggest to investigate and pursue the best program that is possible. Good luck in your education.

R/r 911

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