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I just wanted to know if this was merely a British phenomenum

Every ambulance station you go to seems to have a ghost!! more disturbingly it is usually the ghost of an old hand who had one dodgy job too many and hung himself on station.

Now there are theories.... ie the newbie on station has been told that they have no one to crew with and will be on their own all night...then the stories start comin out!!!!

no one seems to know who the old medic or emt was ... probably in the time of carts and horses ...

stations are creepy places at night and every strange noise heightens your senses..... BUT WHY EVERY STATION, WHY AN OLD HAND AND WHY A HANGING!!!!!!

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Sasha, no history of a hanging or haunting at the station I worked at as an EMT. However, I have had fellow coworkers swear that strange things have occurred in the er. Two people that I work with were charting at the nurses station when they both herd a scream followed by incoherent words come from one of our open bays. There were 3 patients in the room and they denied screaming or hearing anything. I have also had fellow coworkers talk about hearing strange voices especially after really bad codes and one person states she felt someone grabbing her shoulder after the doc pronounced a trauma code. These are all respectable people and I do not think they would lie, however, all of these incidents have occurred at night or early morning during or after a stressful situation. So, you combine stress, fatigue, and lots of caffeine and who knows. I have never experienced anything strange or paranormal. Not to say that I do not believe in something beyond our world, I just do not have any personal experiences.

Take care,


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At my station there is a lot of unusual activity that has been witnessed by several employees. First, At night the TV will turn on with volume turned up at very odd hours for no apparent reason although there has been no sleep timer or turn on alarm set. Second, when all crew members are sitting downstairs and there is nobody upstairs you can hear someone walking up and down the hallway. Third, many crew members have been awakened in the middle of the night hearing their name being called out although the other crew member is sound asleep. Just a few days ago I was leaving for a call at 3:00 am and when we left the TV was on in a room in an unoccupied room, as we were leaving we got cancelled as I re entered the station the TV that was on when we left was turned off. Recently our secretary was eating lunch in the room next to her office when she heard someone typing on her typewriter when she went to check it out there was no one in her office and the apparent typing had stopped. There have been several more experiences in our station but I could go on all day if I told you all of them.

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If you think stations have ghosts, you should come and hang around my school late at night - Children's voices, light footsteps, and strange little events are normal - interesting, but not at all scary. We do, however, have teachers who refuse to be here alone after hours because they find it is too unsettling.

Imagination? Could be, but there are some pretty consistent stories. Hmmmm

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Many years ago, I lived in an apartment where the t.v. would come on by itself, and my husband's scanner would come on almost nightly at a volume level much higher than we would use. I would also see flashes of small lights right in front of me, so I had my eyes checked because I had heard that the retina can detach and cause that, but my eyes were fine. Then I heard all my kitchen cabinets slam while I was in the bedroom, but tried to convince myself that it came from another apartment. The alarm clock would go off at times when it wasn't set, and our two little dogs were ending up in our bed a lot of nights, even thought they were always secured in the bathroom. One night, I heard the sound of a door knob clicking, and in a few seconds my dogs were with us. Also, our toddler son would cry for us in the middle of the night and point at the corner of his crib like he was afraid of something there.

The creepiest thing that happened involved my towel being switched in my bathroom while I was showering, but the door never opened (and the towel that ended up in there was the one I couldn't find right before my shower). There were a lot of strange things, and they seemed to increase in intensity until we moved out.

We later found out the apartment complex had a history of fires, dating all the way back to construction (one fire happened while we were living there). Could it be that I had a pyromaniac ghost with a hobby of listening to the scanner for emergency calls? I don't know, we got the hell out.

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We are a hospital based service and I was asleep in my bunk room one night-- and started to hear a baby cry. I got up to try to find the little one thanking some one droped a baby off never found it and it stoped. I asked a coworker about it and was told that are bunk rooms was part of L&D back in the day and that one was the baby's that did not make it. We still hear it some times

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Here is my 'ghost' event. Now I am a really scientific person so for me to experience and say this is quite odd.

On December 1st 2004 we were paged out for a VSA. To make the code story short we saved a 61 y/o female patient.

The previous year this ladies sister had died in the same town almost in the same loaction as our VSA call. (approx. 500ft away). Now at the hospital our VSA patient started to come to. She kept looking to the door and grabbing out. Many family members were present I thought nothing of it. Once she started talking again she said her sister was standing behind me and my partner looking at her. Her sister then walked backwards out of the room and not seen again by our patient. Ok so I was thinking maybe a neuronal firing of some sort due to hypoxia/anoxia, acidosis, etc... In my mind fair enough.

Now on December 2nd, the same partner and I were at the hospital filling our water jugs (unsafe town water so we use a purified source at the hospital). The filling machine is in a back room with two door, one to the kitchen, the other to the hall way. The room is approx 12ft by 6ft. Dishwasher, filling machine and a shelving unit in the corner beside to door to the hallway. OK now the weird stuff....BOTH doors were CLOSED. My partner and I are standing there talking about how the patient said she saw her sister, at that time I look towards the shelve and their is an old women standing there looking at me and smiles...my partner saw me looking at something in a blank stare so he turned to look. I kind of shrugged it off, smiled back and turned towards the bottle being filled in the machine. My partner looks back as well. It then hit me the doors were closed and nobody else came in with us. I looked back and she was gone. I asked my partner if he saw the lady standing there, which he did. I ran to the door opened it looked down the hall...nobody?!?!?! I asked my partner what she looked like and what she was doing. He descrided her exactly the same and said she smiled at us. The doors did not open at anytime.

I have tried to come up with explainations of what happened but can't come up with anything that fits...all I can come up with is "Thank-you".

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We have a station that is supposed to be haunted, their are many people that say if you are awake around 200 you can hear someone walking down the hall. I have never heard anything but these are people that I trust and don't see any reason to lie to me. But if you think about wouldn't our ambulances be the most haunted place to work, how many people die on ambulances every year. :shock:

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