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Blood loss due to limb loss.


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HI all,

I've been having this discussion with a few people, and without any medical training or any real way to figure this out I figured asking on a site like this might get some me some answers.

This is based on my severely limited knowledge of medicine and the body. I did try web searches for this information but I was unable to find anything.

But, if a limb is lost does the manner in which it was lost affect how quickly the blood is lost?

For instance, if a limb is cleanly cut would it bleed out quicker than if the limb were torn or jaggedly cut?

As I understand it, if a limb is cleanly cut the veins/arteries are cleanly cut and allow for easy blood loss. If a limb is torn, the muscles tend to contract and since the veins are not cleanly cut the veins/arteries can become constricted and minimize blood loss.

Is this correct?

I apologize for the morbid post, and I promise I do not intend to dismember anyone. I would just like to clear up some misconceptions and educate mis/un-informed minds.

I also apologize if this is not the appropriate forum, I was unsure of where I should post this question.


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Actually, you have it backwards. A torn limb will tend to bleed more than a severed limb because the arteries are unable to quickly constrict or develop clots as well. In a clean cut the artery has the ability to constrict immediately and will often withdraw into surrounding tissue because of its elastic nature. A jagged and torn blood vessel is unable to do that as effectively.

However, this is simply a short term problem because the body will also respond with vasoconstriction in the global sense and restrict blood flow to all of the limbs, not just the damaged one.

Edited by Arctickat
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