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EMS Patch Collectors Unite

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Hello everyone! I'm a state EMT/ Paramedic collector looking for help. 1) Which of the U.S. 50 states do not have a state-issued patch (but use NREMT patches instead), and 2) where (besides Ebay) can state-issued EMT/ Paramedic patches be purchased?

I am desperately seeking to purchase the "Licensed Paramedic" and "Certified Paramedic" rocker patches used in the Chicagoland area. post-41637-0-84581700-1343404044_thumb.j By the way, I have a couple of state of Georgia EMT and Paramedic patches for sale or trade.

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I think that this has been discussed in the past.

A dedicated forum for patch collectors might be a good idea.

In my many years here this has been an idea that has come and gone and it has never gotten much traction.

Maybe it will get more attention this time. ONly time will tell.

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I hate to be the voice of caution. However, if one chooses to engage in trading insignia just please be careful and make every effort to know with whom you're dealing. Cases of impersonation are not common. But there are an awful lot of nutty people out there.

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I hate to be the voice of caution. However, if one chooses to engage in trading insignia just please be careful and make every effort to know with whom you're dealing. Cases of impersonation are not common. But there are an awful lot of nutty people out there.

And here too. We've had our share of nutty professors here too.

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With the vast amount of EMS patches for sale on eBay, I would think it unlikely that a potential impersonator would go to all the trouble of working out a patch collection scheme when he can just drop 5 bucks online and have them delivered no questions asked.

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I hate to be the voice of caution. However, if one chooses to engage in trading insignia just please be careful and make every effort to know with whom you're dealing. Cases of impersonation are not common. But there are an awful lot of nutty people out there.

Interestingly though, I can walk in to any of our local uniform shops and simply purchase a uniform...or just the patches...and no one asks for proof of licensure.

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