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Funny you should mention. I thought of calling them Fire Truck Drivers and Police Car Drivers about 15 years ago. Obviously, from this picture, I wasn't original as I'd thought. I walked into a combined Fire/EMS training academy, my friend was the head of the EMS training unit and he introduced me to his Fire counterpart during the tour. I commented, "So this is where all the Fire Truck Drivers get trained."

After a dirty look from the Fire Truck Driver Trainer and a few exchanged pleasantries, we left. Out of Earshot my buddy mentions, "You sure do make an interesting first impression." I think he was a little irked that I insulted his business partner, but I figured that if he can't take a joke, then Fuggim.

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LOL, my dad, uncle, cousin, other cousin, grandfather, great grandfather and some other dude on my dad's side were all in the Fire Service

My dad was the Engineer/Operator of his local VFD because (seriously) he was the only one sober enough to drive the fire truck (it was a very small little town back in the day and the FD was basically an excuse to get horrendously pissed on a Monday night) and as he'd gotten snapped by the local Constabulary for growing some weed in his shed and wasn't allowed to do the Firefighter course, but they'd let him drive the truck

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Tell the Fire Chief that I will drive, I can turn the steering wheel, work the air horn and make the red lights flash, I might even be able to hook up hoses, work the hydrant and such, at a stretch even pump water ... just don't be asking any funny questions about a truck drivers license or nothing :D

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Oh, licences don't matter. The guy who usually drives the fire truck has had so many DUIs that he hasn't been able to renew his Driver Licence for 20 years.

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In spite of no license, ya just hate to see that driving talent go to waste :whistle:

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