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Emt basic school


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not an accelerated one

While the basic course is the basis for elementary knowledge, and it's important to be a thorough assessor.. It all depends on the individual. If you want a quick course, to do it as a career, with out furthering your education. Take the full course. If you're using it to get into a college based paramedic program, you'd probably be okay. If a person is catchy, has a good demeanor, learns fast and adapts to the course through a lot of reading in a short time, you may do fine. It's the same course, just all bunched together. Less time to absorb in great detail. I'd recommend doing clinical time, even if it's not required, if you don't (no offense) fit into that category, and plan on taking an accelerated course.

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I posted in your other thread on this topic but here is how i feel about what you should do.

Since you will be in DC, which is very close to VA, id go across the bridge and take my basic at Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC). The Arlington or Alexandria campuses are still very close to you. They have a great program with nice/new equipment for you to learn on. I havent personally seen a training facility in DC but i hear that they are pretty shabby. Another reason is that, well, DC EMS kinda sucks right now. They have old and outdated equipment on their units and regularly take skills away from their workers due to lack of proficiency. They are underfunded like a mofo and i just dont think that you will get the most out of a program taken there. Although the GWU class sounds like it could be a winner, thats a solid school so i doubt that they cut too many corners when designing the program. Give them a call and get some questions answered.

I really think you should consider taking your course at NVCC, its 1 semester long and all of the instructors who i had contact with were fantastic.

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If you're looking for quality EMS education, you need to look into the full EMT class; not an accelerated one. Shortcut yourself, shortcut your patient.

Have a good day.

I technically took an accelerated EMT-B program. It was 10 credits, offered through the local CC. It was a summer course, and we met 4 days a week about 4 hours a day, for 2.5 months. IMO the program was an excellent educational base, especially compared to some of the 2 year HS programs I am seeing where I live now. It depends on the person, if they can learn quickly, and how the teacher teaches and structures the course. Don't knock all accelerated programs. Some probably are awful, but not all of them.

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