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I had a car accident last week and my doc decided to do a chest CT to check my aorta as it has widened a bit over time. Aorta was fine(2.6 where it was 3 years ago) but they told me I had bruising in my chest. I went back 2 days later and requested a copy of the CT report because I have no chest pain and haven't had any major chest pain. A little tenderness from the seat belt but nothing close to what internal bruising would cause. The report said I have numerous small parenchymal nodules. The two largest are a 5mm in my lower right lobe and and 6mm in my lower left lobe. The one in my left lung has a "radiolucent center surrounded by a distinct halo". I feel fine, no coughing or wheezing or pain. I do have occasional bouts of shortness of breath but they generally pass within a couple minutes so I figured it was my heart(I have an unnamed accessory pathway). The only other possible symptom is a sensation of being poked in the back that happens to be in the same area as the 6mm nodule. I've had a TB test that's negative and the only remotely significant finding on my blood work was my potassium was at 3.3 which they said was a little low but not by much. I did grow up in a smoker's household and have smoked off and on for 15 years(about 9 years total).

I wouldn't be concerned if not for three factors. 1) I had the same spiral CT with contrast at the same facility almost exactly a year ago and it was clear. I haven't had any major colds since. A couple of minor uri's but nothing significant. 2) There has been several cancers on both sides of my family. 3) My father was exposed to Agent Orange during Veitnam and was diagnosed last year with significant damage to his lungs and bones typical of high exposure. I know that it's been linked to problems in 1st and 2nd generation offspring, but I'm not really clear what.

I'm wondering, should I be prepared for bad news or is this most likely benign? I believe the only bloodwork they've run was a CBC(normal) and an IStat(potassium finding). More importantly, what further testing should I expect. My husband deploys in July so I'll need to arrange childcare if this is going to be an ongoing process.

Thanks for any info you can provide. And, don't worry, I'm not a fatalist and won't freak out if it doesn't sound good. I'm simply a realist that is tired of the doctors trying sugarcoat things and refusing to give me any info. All they said is wait and see what pulmonology says. It'll be a least a month before I can get in and, seeing as how I'll be on my own a week or two later with 3 kids, I need to be prepared. And, like anyone else, the wait for info is the worst part. Yes, I'm working on quitting smoking and determined to make it this time.

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I won't speculate. I will say hang in there and see what pulmonology says, and good luck!! Definitely quit smoking. With your history of smoking there is always the possibility of cancer, but you knew that already.

Sit tight, I know the wait sucks, but trying to speculate is just going to make it worse.

Lots of good vibes headed your way...



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Thanks, Wendy. I've been hoping for the best but I figure either way, even if it's cancer, being asymptomatic would mean it's early and should be treatable. But, obviously, if it's something like that it may not be wise to be by myself with three kids. I'd have to make arrangements for my parents to come out. If it's anything other than benign I plan to beat it hands down. Really, my only fear is they'll decide to do a biopsy. I hate needles unless they're going into someone other than me and they darn well knock me out if they plan on something like that!

Thanks for the positive vibes! I'm sure I'll be okay it's just so frustrating not knowing. The two doctors I've seen so far haven't told me anything. Both conversations were kind of "So, what could it be?", "Well, a lot of things", "Like what?", "Oh, you know a lot of different things", "Name three.", "Let's just get you that (Stat) referral to pulmonology." Which, of course, was infuriating. Neither one would look me in the eye either. They stared at my chart the whole time until telling me to talk to pulmonology. Neither one offered that it could be nothing. If it's bad news, tell me that. I can handle that a lot better than a doctor that won't be honest with me and doesn't even bother to attempt to hide that fact. If you think it's nothing, tell me that. Even if you're wrong at least you gave me an honest answer rather than avoiding the question all together. Everybody's wrong sometimes and that chance you could be wrong is where you say "Well, I'm not the specialist, but if you want my opinion here it is." and I never asked them anything that specific. Just what could it possibly be. I now don't have one modicum of trust in either of them. That's the good thing about military medicine, though(I'm a dependent, not service member). Plenty of other doctors and I'm sure I'll find one that will be straight with me.

Anywho, thanks again for the positivity. That's one thing I love about this community. I can't even talk to most of my friends about it. If I said "nodules in my lungs" they'd say "How long do you have left." Figure if I didn't feel sick before I found out why start now? I'll keep you posted and hopefully it's just some random thing to get the blood pumping for a while.

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If it turns out to be something bad then the accident may have been a blessing in disguise as it allowed early detection. But do not fret yet as it may be something of no concern. Do not worry about what you have no control of. Worry about stopping smoking, something you do have control of. Hang in there I am sure all are hoping that these findings are invalid.

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Jess don't go borrowing trouble and easier said than done but dont stress yourself out till you know for sure what is going on. We can as health care professionals be our own worse enemies at times with the self dx thing and some times a little knowledge is a bad thing. You know where to find me if you need to talk you have the number. Nothing but good thoughts coming your way chicky...

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Thank you all. I just called to set up my appointment with what I was told would be pulmonology but at some point along the way it changed to thoracic surgery. I'm not sure if pulmo changed it on reveiw or if my doctor just decided to start there. Of course, that's caused more delay in scheduling but I should have an appointment scheduled by tonight. I just picked up a copy of my CBC and I'm waiting on another copy of my CT report since the doctor took it. I'm keeping my own copies of everything as I've had the military lose my records before. Everything was WNL except for RDW, MPV, and platelets which were all a little low. I don't know what the first two are, but my platelets are almost always a bit low. We have no idea why. I'm at 133 right now so I'm safe just a little off. Anyway, I'm kind of happy to be going straight to the surgeon. Maybe I'll know something soon so I can move on and finish my training starting in August. Thanks again for the positivity and well wishes. My husband is now convinced it just has to be cancer and that I'll die. I'm trying to convince him even if it is cancer I'll be fine. Just temporarily inconvenienced.

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Lol @ Ben and Richard. I needed that, guys!

I finally got scheduled and great news! I go in on May 19th which is just long enough to get all my CT, lab, and lymphectomy(don't worry, it was just hyperfolliculitis or something like that. benign either way) records without going to much more stir crazy. Hopefully they'll give me more great news. Got my fingers crossed. :)

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