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It's not rocket science forget that demand valve and pocket mask crap when are you going to use that? You're not.

1. Oxygenation and ventilation are not the same thing, just because you cram O2 down somebodies throat dont mean its going to reach the brain and vital organs

2. Most people don't need oxygen; chest pain, abnormal airway, hypoxia, SPO2 < 96% RA or shock are exceptions

3. Those that do, 99% require like two litres on a cannula

4. NC 2-4lpm, nebs 8lpm, NRB mask 10lpm and BVM 15lpm; I've never used an ordinary face mask.

Note that SPO2 is not always reliable, again use your head, if somebody is smurf blue but has SPO2 of 100% chances are something is wrong.

Oh, and if your partner tells you smurf blue patients who have SPO2 of 100% do not need oxygen .... you're in Los Angeles.

Did I mention Los Angeles recently?

If that doesnt make sense let me know.

yes i understand all this but i have to know this chart to pass my class

Edited by Mario1105
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yes i understand all this but i have to know this chart to pass my class

No offence, but if that isn't enough motivation for you to get it done, then this simply may not be the career for you.

If rote memorisation doesn't work for you (and it simply must on many medical topics), then what I find most successful is to not try to memorise it. Study the topic in-depth. Understand the underlying concepts so that memorisation of numbers is not necessary. If you understand (not memorise) the concepts of oxygenation, then you don't need to memorise the numbers. They come naturally as a result of your critical and deductive thinking.

This is test taking 101. Memorisation doesn't equal education. Memorising the answer to every question doesn't tell you or us that you actually understand the concepts you have been presented. As an examiner, you're going to impress me a lot more by taking a moment to calculate the answer you give me, rather than spouting off some number you memorised, but don't understand.

If neither of those work for you then again, this probably isn't the career for you.

Edited by Dustdevil
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