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An so it begins - the costs of healthcare reform

Just Plain Ruff

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AT&T will take a 1 billion Non-cash Charge on their accounting books based on the healthcare reform bill that just passed.

Read the article for the unintended consequences of this bill.


One thing that jumped out at me on this article is this

Companies say the health care overhaul will require them to start paying taxes next year on a subsidy they receive for retiree drug coverage

I have realized after reading this article that this bill er new law will have farther reaching consequences than just affecting me and my family in insurance costs. It will affect the businesses that we use everyday.

This is another reason why this bill is so bad for the US. The 1 billion charge is 1/3 of AT&T's profits for last year.

Thanks Congress and Obama.

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I have realized after reading this article that this bill er new law will have farther reaching consequences than just affecting me and my family in insurance costs. It will affect the businesses that we use everyday.

This is another reason why this bill is so bad for the US. The 1 billion charge is 1/3 of AT&T's profits for last year.

In a September 13 [2005] statement, the CEO of Starbucks Corp. announced his company will spend more on health insurance for its employees this year than on coffee beans.

Starbucks is a service business dishing out expensive cups of coffee and related goods. The value of coffee beans that Starbucks roasts for retail sale pales in comparison to the revenue raised from selling cups of espresso and café latté. Starbucks pays about $2,500 for health coverage for each U.S. employee, including part-timers, and about two-thirds of its employees are part-time workers.

Consumer Driven Health Care (11/01/2005)

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Starbucks operates on a very thin profit margin, so any change in their balance sheet has a huge impact on their net profit. They scaled back their expansion a few years ago when they realized they were overextended themselves. They also offer benefits to their part timers, which most companies do not offer. Not a good comparison to ATT.

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