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Thoughts on UW's Paramedic training program?


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Not Nationally Accredited.

Rock bottom, bare bones amount of instructional hours, not augmented by any pre-requisite foundation courses (as mentioned by chbare).

I would not recommend this school, or choose it for myself unless:

  • 1. You have a solid pre-requisite foundation including two semesters of college Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology, Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and Sociology as a BARE MINIMUM, and preferably much more.

2. You have a strong, PROVEN ability to excel academically in an accelerated, fast pace, wham-bam instructional climate, where you will have no time to study and digest very complicated topics before testing and moving on to the next. Just being a good student isn't enough, because "accelerated" doesn't necessarily mean you learn faster. It just means you are given less time to do so, so you had better be able to do so before you drop $4000 dollars on the gamble.

3. You have absolutely no other options. Meaning, there is no collegiate level paramedic programme in your area. FYI, there are no (none. zero. zilch. nada. zip. nyet.) Nationally Accredited paramedic programmes in the state of Wisconsin.

  • If all three of the above conditions are not met, then I would strongly recommend against this school for you. You may get a patch out of the deal, but you won't be half the medic you could be. And many employers may be biased against you for choosing a less than optimal educational approach.

Good luck.

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