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State investigates unlicensed EMT


Originally posted on: Thursday, October 16, 2008 by Kara Kenney

Last updated on: 10/16/2008 6:26:46 PM

NAPLES: The State of Florida is investigating if a Collier County fire department broke the law and put public safety at risk.

Records show an unlicensed EMT responded to dozens of medical calls - some of them serious - in North Naples.

The North Naples Fire Department calls it a "clerical mistake" that put Jon Steffen, a two-year veteran, on an ambulance for six months before anybody caught the mistake.

Steffen responded to 46 medical calls, administering oxygen, taking vital signs and doing blood glucose readings.

"It was an unfortunate mistake," said deputy chief Jorge Aguilera. "Was he working without a license? Technically (yes)."

Aguilera says Steffen simply forgot send in his application and no one caught it - but patient safety was not put at risk.

"This was not an untrained person. This person went through his training, passed his national credentials, didn't send in his application," Aguilera said.

Most of the firefighters with the NNFD are also EMTs and paramedics, meaning they can ride on ambulances and provide medical care.

But because those firefighters are operating under Collier County's medical license, the county is concerned they may face fines over the error.

County spokesman John Torre says they are taking the incident seriously, but points out they are the ones who reported the mistake to the state.

"I'm not in the position to point fingers. What happened was unfortunate," Torre said.

The NNFD say it is tightening up its procedures to make sure no other firefighters work as EMTs without a license.

They've already created a database highlighting exactly what each employee is signed off to do.

"It was an unfortunate oversight. I can tell you nobody was ever in jeopardy," Aguilera said.

The state investigation is expected to wrap next week.

A state spokesperson says chances are it will be the firefighter who would face fines or a formal reprimand, rather than the county.

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This is at least the 2nd time this has happened in the Collier County FDs this year. The other incident was the Marco Island FF/"Paramedic" that didn't get his license but continued to work with a fake license that no one bothered to check initially.

These are not large fire departments. If they can not keep track of a little thing like a medical certification/license, how to they track CEUs and other training for both fire and EMS?

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hmmm how bout this.

Memorandum to all employees

Please provide proof of your licensure by X/X/XXXX date or risk suspension.

That is all

Then call the state of florida and verify with the state that all your people are actually licensed?

this seems like a no brainer.

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Ruff, that would make too much sense.... a thing that a majority of people here lack.

But, Lee County EMS and Collier County EMS (not Fire) have demonstrated for many years what a professional county EMS system can do.

Broward County EMS also used to have that same reputation but now it is all merged up with whatever to leave whoever in charge of the EMS part.

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True, but we're not the majority we're the minority. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to confirm that someone is currently licensed to practice medicine.

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