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Is politics taboo?


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Sorry to crush everyones dreams.

Well Doc its my dream I can dream it anyway I like :twisted:

So what is the answer or is there an answer in all reality?

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As I stated when I posted this e-mail, I have no idea where it came from so I will not even begin to defend the math, and that is just a disclaimer on my behalf, not trying to fight the point.

Even at just under $4000 it would still be a much better "stimulus" check than the $500 check we got, and yes thats greedy on my behalf, but If we have this kind of money laying around, while in the middle of this "war", then why not find something better to do with it. I do realize the ramifications behind letting AIG fail (the insurance policies noted as an example), but wouldn't that promote the citizens to look for those services elsewhere? I do realize that not everybody out there is going to be smart enough to see the need for shopping around a little more, but what make AIG then end all? Are there not other companies that provide such services and would be willing to buy said policies to build their capital gains?

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Does anyone else remember the "giant sucking sound of all of our jobs going to Mexico" that Ross Perot used as his anti-NAFTA argument?

Why do I hear that same sucking sound? Only this time it's all of our money going to foreign nations who are financing the US Government's Wall Street bail out. I don't know about you, but it makes me really nervous to be so ridiculously in debt to nations (like China and others who are political, if not economical, adversaries).

I may be a bit on the alarmist side, but how do we look at this from a national security standpoint? Do we go further in debt to foreign nations? Some of whom have a declared hostile stance towards the US? Or do we just let them buy up the assets effectively letting them bail out Wall Street directly? Only this way, they own us outright instead of owning us through what we owe them.

If I, as an investor, made a series of bad bets and lost, no one would bail me out. I'd be living in a van down by the river. So why bail out these organizations?

Someone help me here because I'm not as knowledgeable economically as I'd like to be. What would happen if we just let these organizations go under? Would that be worse than bailing them out? Why are the Feds and Congress so intent on bailing them out? Is this a matter of protecting their financial backers? Or is there a genuine concern for the economy as a whole?

Does either candidate have a plan to fix this or prevent it from happening? Because I gotta tell you, I'm not really a fan of our government nationalizing all these banks (which is really what they're doing).

-be safe

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Good questions Mike, What would happen if those companies weren't bailed out? And yeah I hear that sucking sound real loud....

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well I have been thinking about that question since I read it, Worse case senerio could be a recession for the country. That would bring a new question could the economy withstand a recession until wall street regained its composure?

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I am so not impressed with obama he is too shifty eyed. Something you Mr Bird should be familar with. McCain is winning in my book he is more relaxed. But I do agree Obama is a smug little something.

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