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Making the switch


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Well worked EMS as an EMT for 5 years and in school to make the switch over to Policing. It seems most of the officers we have here came originally as medics at some point and for reason that are personal, made the switch.I refuse to think I am the only one.

What has caused you to consider it or even think about making the switch? would you ever consider making the switch?

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In this day and age I would not consider becoming a police officer. Dealing with all the crap they deal with on a daily basis is not my cup of tea. Besides, I don’t have the right personality to be a cop.

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I'm in the same boat with the others as far as not making the switch. I can't say that I will always work in EMS, but in some type of medicine. I enjoy the science way to much to leave. I too don't have the personality to be a "copper", and in this area the police don't seem to make any thing comparable to what medics make.

With that said, I wish you all the best in your endeavor, and I say you should do what makes you happy!

Good Luck!

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I have been in EMS a long time and still enjoy it everyday, it keeps my interest up and going plan to stay on the job for quite a few more years. I can only hope that new people find it as interesting and keeps their interest peaked also.

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