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The Last Lecture

Just Plain Ruff

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Has anyone seen the video? Have you read the book.

I have not done either but I have purchased the book but it's number 3 on my list to read.

The Author Randy Pausch died last friday of the cancer that he talked about.

I have begun to write my Last Lecture and I hope that you consider to do so also. I think it would be a great learning experience.

To begin, just write what you think you would want to say if you had been told you had 3 months to live. What would you write about, what would you bring up?

I am 3 pages into my last lecture and to say the least it has made me re-think almost everything and maybe do some things differently in the future. Who knows.

I'll post it on my blog here when I'm done.

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Thanks for reminding me! I'll be going to Amazon.com in a moment to get the book. It's very few and far between that you see a news story that in actually inspiring. If I get to it before you do, I'll put my review on the book review thread, assuming I can find it. :-k

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I'm reading the book now. It's a great read. Everyone should really get it....

I still need to see the full video version, though...(different than book, it says)

...just in case you needed the link.

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