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Just venting a little.................


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Ok, so I went on a trip last weekend with my beautiful Fiancee, and family/ friends. My fiancee and I are both medics at different Districs, but you all know how medics (EMTs) are, we still talk shop. We are all partying, have a great time and some people from another campsite came over to hang with us (obviously our party was much better). This isn't a problem for us, all are welcome with us, but this guy appeared hygienically deprived a bit. He accidently scratches someone with his finger nail during a drinking game, and they lost it, worried about contracting something from "Mr. smell good".

This got me to thinking about the silent killers that we deal with, and the unseen dangers of our job. I started thinking about Hep C, multiple blood borne pathogens, the driver that isn't paying attention to the road when we are on a scene...so on and so forth. I ran this around in my head all weekend trying to put together a thread for us all to discuss, but at no time did it interfere with the drinking....lol.

All was good and the trip was a blast, nobody got injured and only one person went to jail for a few hours. We got home, unpacked, and chilled on Sunday. Monday we got up and started to do some running for wedding stuff when we got the news that Ryan Hummert had been shot and killed. I do have a friend who works for Maplewood (not Ryan), but other than that, neither one of us knew him (not that it really matters, he's a brother). I never in my thoughts over the weekend even put such a scenario together, but how REAL it is. Just let this be a reminder to be careful out there.

Things at both Districts that we work for have been erie this week for sure, even tho we are crossed the county and in the next county over from Maplewood, but we all feel the pain of our fallen brother. The funeral is tomorrow, and our prayers are with him and his family.

Be at peace my BROTHER.......................................

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Those concerns just come with the job. But you can't be obsessed with them all the time. It will drive you nuts.

Sounds like you had a real blast camping. I miss those days. Now it's just with my wife's immediate family and their kids along with our boy. Pretty subdued most of the time.

When it come's to Ryan's death it hit everyone hard, especially in the mid-west. I should have gone to the funeral as a representative for the Fellowship of Christian Firefighters. But I know there were a few from St. Louis there anyway.

Sleepy, when's the big day? You might have said but I can't remember. You know you'll have to go camping with just her for your honeymoon. If not, shell out the big bucks for five star digs. :thumbup:

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