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good book on EMT-B

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Are you talking about a book on the job itself, or on the medical aspects?

If you are talking about the medical aspects, then it's not the book that matters. It's the course and the instructors. Find the course with the best instructors, and it matters not one bit which book they use. All of them are going to cover the basics, and all are written below the high-school graduate level. Anyhow, here's links to the big three, used by most schools:




Of course, if you're not going to take the course, then don't even bother with the book. You can't learn this from a book alone. That would be a complete waste of eighty bucks.

And if English comprehension is not one of your strong suits, then medicine probably isn't the field for you. Communications is the number one most important skill in the practice. If your communications skills are weak, you will fail.

Good luck!

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