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National Association of EMS Physicians?


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I don't know a tonne about them, but they are the organisation behind CAAHEP, which accredits paramedic schools. That's some significant influence on EMS.

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NAEMSP has been out for several years. They do have some outstanding programs that promote EMS Medical Directors residency programs, and as well Medical Director programs for rural health care areas, and many programs for EMS itself.

Unfortunately, many believe that ACEP is the main emergency organization for EMS. Which ACEP does recognize us, but rather we are one of their promotions and side track committee, where NAEMSP main focus is upon EMS itself.

It has not gained the power and respect alike other physician level organizations. Hopefully, with time and exposure they will.

R/r 911

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Gotcha. Honestly, I think latching onto an already established PHYSICIAN organization whether (anyone that has influence) is really the key...unless we suddenly all get organized...


Looking at the websites again it seems NAEMS (like you said) is more involved in prehospital care, specifically, with a large portion of their membership consisting of medical directors.

They also linked to AEMS http://www.advocatesforems.org/ . . . I've never heard of that one. Anyone know if they're actually been active?

And since we're on the topic...does NAEMT do anything?

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Gotcha. Honestly, I think latching onto an already established PHYSICIAN organization whether (anyone that has influence) is really the key...unless we suddenly all get organized...

LOL! Don't hold your breath. :(

I am not 100 percent convinced that a physician organisation is likely to be our saviour. I would agree that they certainly need to be our allies. No doubt about that. But as for latching onto somebody to help lead us through, the more I think about it, the more i think that Nursing would be our answer.

Looking at the websites again it seems NAEMS (like you said) is more involved in prehospital care, specifically, with a large portion of their membership consisting of medical directors.

That's why I am glad, but not surprised to see NAEMSP take a leadership role in establishing CoAEMSP (which was the predecessor of CAAHEP) for the accreditation of medic schools. They definitely have a serious stake in the state of our profession. I often wonder why they (EMS physicians in general) haven't become more vocal advocates of elevating our educational standards. I mean seriously, there is not one chance in Hell that I would be putting my licence on the line for 4 to 12 month technically trained paramedics if I were a physician. I'd love to see somebody like AEMSP and/or ACEP step up and say, "No. We're not going to do that anymore. Come back when you have a real education."

And since we're on the topic...does NAEMT do anything?

They throw one Hell of a party! :lol:

Seriously, despite the best of intentions, the NAEMT is a lost cause. They don't stand for the advancement of the profession. In fact, they stand as an obstacle to our professional growth. As a fraternal "association", their mission is to unite us all as a single voice to promote the interests of the EMS field. That sounds great on the surface, but in reality it is a recipe for epic failure.

You cannot unite people whose goals are diametrically opposed. It cannot be done. And the goals of firemonkeys, vollies, and EMS professionals are in fact diametrically opposed. They include the fire lobby in their leadership ranks, instead of using the organisation to counter the effects of the fire lobby. How stupid is that? That's like giving Al Qaeda and the Taliban seats in the U.S. Senate. Any attempt to unite us under one big umbrella is a complete waste of time and money, as well as a distracting roadblock to professional growth.

Now mind you, the NAEMT is not a complete waste of time and money. They do a lot of good things, including their educational development programmes, like PHTLS and AMLS, as well as the annual educational conference. They do stay active in political and legislative affairs affecting EMS, which is a positive thing for the field. But being positive for the field is not synonymous with being positive for the profession. Because of that, I can in no way recognise the NAEMT as an ally of our profession.

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