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Anyone Willing to Answer Questions on Phone?


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I don't really know that many practicing paramedics, since my company is 99.9% EMTs and some some newly certed medics still working as EMTs.

A lot of times after a call, we have questions. We try to look it up in the books we carry with us, but it's not always there or not always clear. I know it's a stretch, but wondering if anyone would be willing to be available to have me text or heck even call, but preferably text message questions here and there for educational purposes. It'd just be nice to have some professional contacts for that.

If so, send me a PM. I tried getting onto here from my phone, but it doesn't really work for me...my phone's not high tech enough.


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If you have questions and there aren't any paramedics, you could ask the doctors or nurses in the ER. I can't see why they wouldn't offer you explanations pertaining to signs, symptoms, care, and such. I would help you, but you would have a hard time tracking me down as my Cell is either usually off while I'm on the ambulance or in the classroom teaching, and has a p!ss poor signal on my firefighting shift. I think it's all of that radio active cr@p at Loring AFB. LOL.

Then again, you could always post your questions in here too.

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I do ask doctors and nurses when there's time. Often there's only one doctor for an entire ER with 25 beds, plus those waiting on the gurnies for a bed, so there's not much time, if you can even find him. But usually, our questions pop up after we've cleared the hospital as we're discussing the call or while posting on a street corner discussing some topic.

I do ask on EMTCity, but often I don't get home until 72 hours later, then sleep for a day, and usually forget by the next time I log on...and the discussion is long over. And really if I have the internet, I usually just end up googling it. Also, sometimes it's nice to get a pre-hospital care perspective.

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