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Everything posted by westwood1138

  1. Awesome -- I originally wasn't going to have EMTs, but thought the kid might complain of back/neck pain. If it's plausible that she wouldn't, that's all I need to know. Thanks!!
  2. Yeesh. In that case, I think she just miraculously emerged unharmed. :wink: Thanks all for your help!
  3. Hmm... actually, that's a good point. I hadn't thought of that. I might be better off just saying that the kid wasn't hurt, no back/neck pain, and not having the EMTs called at all. Probably saves me some grief anyway. I can tone down the accident to make it believable that she's unhurt and just not have to worry about it at all. Thanks for your reply!
  4. Hello, Mike -- thanks for taking the time to reply. No, I'm not writing for "Saved" -- I haven't seen it, actually. I take it that you're not a fan? :wink: I'm writing a feature screenplay, it's a mystery/thriller, nothing major and I'm not anybody that's written anything that's been seen (or made for that matter). The accident turns out to not be so "accidental" and the EMT aspect of it is actually extremely tangential. Somebody at the crash scene just needs to tell the main character that the girl's okay and I was curious how that would be determined. Probably just one line of dialogue, unless SOP would be to take the girl to the hospital or something. I had originally not even had EMTs in the scene, but figured the girl would probably have some kind of back/neck pain and that a responsible parent would probably have called professionals, even if the girl appears to be fine. But if it's awkward for you guys to talk about, I can just wing it. Thanks again for getting back to me.
  5. Hi there: Sorry to trouble you if this isn't the appropriate forum for this. Feel free to give me the boot if I'm intruding. I'm a writer working on a scene that involves a car accident and I'd like get some free educated advice. :wink: The scene involves an SUV that has rolled backwards down a hill and into a streetlight with a 5-year-old in a car seat in back. It's not a huge crash, the kid's fine, she walks away with no injuries, but it's pretty scary and she's shook up pretty good, probably with some back and/or neck pain. What should be done in this situation? What would be the procedure for determining that the child is okay? Thanks in advance for any assistance!
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