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Everything posted by icekayak

  1. icekayak


    Yep, had a look round there thanks But is MCL1 going to show you things like ST elevation and more of a general idea of the rhythm? or is is only useful for the LBBB/VTach/SVT? Cheers
  2. icekayak


    Just need a few opinions for an essay i'm writing... With the common knowledge that lead II will not always show you what is going on in other areas of the heart, and rhythms such as VT are very difficult to differentitiate from SVT with aberrancy In YOUR opinion should cardiac patients be routinely monitored in MCL1 in the pre-hospital setting? Why?
  3. Yeh, hence the reason having trouble finding resources to reference all 1500 words of part 1 Is a working diagnosis and a provisional diagnosis the same thing?
  4. Sorry to be unclear... There are 2 separate parts to the assignment: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "Define and discuss these two aspects of diagnosis: Differential Diagnosis and Provisional Diagnosis" (1500 words) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The cases (1500 words) a) CASE 1: Chest Pain - List other DDx, state your assessment/management in reaching a Provisional Dx, compare pathophysiology of 2 of your DDx's CASE 2: Ulcer from Diabetes - Comparing Pathophysiology of types of Shock --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Hey Dwayne, I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for, and I think thats one of the problems. The assignment is basically "Define and discuss these two aspects of diagnosis: Differential Diagnosis and Provisional Diagnosis" (1500 words) then it goes on to compare the DDx of a CP case and a shock case. There is a plenty information around DDx lists for specific diseases, but I can not find much about DDx and the provisional diagnosis in itself. The wiki stuff (and the about.com and answers.com) is good but unfortunately I can't use it as reference material Cheers
  6. Ok not to start a debate about if paramedics should be diagnosing... But I'm currently working on an assignment discussing provisional and differential diagnosis, and having trouble finding reference material on it. Especially on provisional diagnosis... Is there another term it might be called that i would be more successful looking for? Can anyone recommend any material to me Cheers
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