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Everything posted by futuremedic

  1. Well all since my last post all is better. I have been remembering more since I have been riding as much as I can. There have been a couple down falls. 1. Is my probation was extended one month. Cause when you start out you are on probation for 6 months. Which dont bother me but now I am having issues with one of the guys on the service. unfortunately he is a board member. He is the only one on the service I have any problems with. I am having issues with him cause it seems like he is trying to find my weakest problems then throwing them in my face. When he does this he waits til there is other people around. And it seems like he is trying to make me look bad which is fine with me Im not there to make friends Im there to do something I want to do. But if I make friends then cool but doesn't bother me. I think he looks for my weakest parts and says something because he can tell I get upset and it bothers me. Now I don't know what to do but Im almost to the point where I want to throw in the towel and say forget it. But being an EMT means the world to me but I don't know what to do. Plus I have to ride a shift with him and his partner before the next board meeting. Which I was told I would probably be brought in on. Any advice would be appreciated. thanks again EMT Basic Illinois
  2. thanks for all the advice helps. Just to clarify the dept is now full time paid 911 but yet is still volunteer for transfers yet you get an $1.25US allowance for just being signed up for transfers then if you get called to do a transfer you get $9 plus that $1.25 an hour. And saturdays are paid on call. Pretty much the problem is remembering what questions to ask and how to ask them. So I am trying to think of different ways to ask them so that I don't leave anything out. Some people can just rattle of the questions different then the sample and OPQRST and makes sense to them and they don't leave anything. So I was wondering how everyone else asks the questions. But that notepad is a good Idea I will try. EMT-Basic Illinois
  3. hello all, Bare with me all this is a bit lengthy. Ok this my first time ever posting have been reading em for awhile but feel it is time to post. Ok I have been in and out of EMS for about 1 1/2 years. I took an EMT B class 3 times cause this is something I have a passion for. The first time I took the class I was already enrolled in a community college full time with 12 credit hours then I added the EMT class took be up to 18 credit hours did it for 2 months then had to drop it. Took it again the following semester missed passing by 1 point need an 80% to take the national registry got a 79%. Passed it according to the college but not enough to take the national. Anyhow I took it again that fall at a fire department and passed took the national and passed. Now Im on a full-Time Volunteer paid on call service. The issue I am having is talking to patients which Im improving on but one more problem remains. I have trouble remembering everything that I learned like patient assessments and drug dosages. So if anyone has any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. EMT B - Illinois
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