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future medic 48_234

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Posts posted by future medic 48_234

  1. Thanks for catching that...that is what i meant and realized that i had spelled it incorrectly only after posting it.

    Heres my next one: What is a the Dolls Eye response?

    Got to do what EMS49393 posted. . . exencephalia.

    Exencephalia: A congenital anomally in which the brain is located outside the skull.

    ( cool but freaky to see. )

    Micheal, You're right. you asked me: Did you mean umbilicated? Yes I did.

    the word Unbilicated is not listed in my book.

    Liesen's Encephalopathy--- I looked only at Encephalopathy.

    Generalized, not loacalized brain dysfunction.

    Lets' back up a bit. . . My other word went unanswered. Lets' keep up the responses! :wink:

    Chilomastix mesnili

  2. Google asks, Did you mean: molluscum contagiosum?

    (My father had a medical-student friend who would treat himself out of the textbook. He was teased that his autopsy would list Cause of Death: typographical error.)

    Term called for Molluscum Contagiosum;

    A rash composed of small dome-shaped papules with a central crater that is said to be unbilicated, (belly button shaped.) Cheesy (caseous) material fills the dimple's core. A pox virus causes the rash which can spread among children and young adults.

    >PER Tabers Dictionary, Pages 1376 - 1377 Click and scroll to see book

    I love this book we are using in class!


    Chilomastix mesnili

  3. Dyna Med used to have some California style 7-point star badges that were nice, but their website is dead now. I think they sold out or something.

    WE have a building by us who i Dyna-Med. All they sell is medical supplies and occassionally you'll see new and used squads for sale.

  4. As the thread is named "Oxygen. . . Can that drug by itself save lives?"

    Me and a friend of mine had a talk about EMS and other related sujects to pass time and BS. He asked me that. I think that is a good question. I know it is too vague of a question so I'm asking "In General, What do you think?"

    If this topic becomes arguementive, quit posting. . Each person is entitled to thier opinion.

    Let's begin the debate: "Oxygen. . . Can that drug by itself save lives?"

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