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Everything posted by irishff277

  1. "You might be in the NYC*EMS System if..." You ever had to hike from the bottom parking lot out by the water up to the Academy Bld when at Ft. Totten. Leaving Ft. Totten, your vehicle was mysteriously drawn to the Crazy Moose Saloon You attended MODAT training at the end of a lousy shift. Trash can parties You would sign out a portable from the nearest Pct. Kevin Sinclarie's (spelling?) bar out in Red Hook You recall dispatchers stating the mixer would be turned off when we got out of hand on the radio I'm out a little over 7 yrs. (Switched over to the RED MENACE here in Jersey) Some of these were mine, some belonged to great partners who had forgotten more about EMS than I could ever hope to learn. Hope this post could make a few readers smile. A. Friend 16C2
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