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Posts posted by TZETAH

  1. As I stated we are new. He said that he did a physical assessment ( checked for patent airway, checked pupils, (equal and reactive), checked CMS at all extremities (no problem), skin (warm and pink), check her speech for slurring (none), no signs of facial drooping, obtained her past medical history, asked for all medications and what has she eaten in the last 24 hours, asked if the pain seems any better since they called us out or if it is worse ( the same) loaded her into ambulance check O2 stats before applying oxygen, applied oxygen NRB at 15 l, took vitals ( blood pressure was high), re-assessed vitals every 5 min. to the hospital.

  2. It doesn't. We are both licensed. We share on-call time. As I stated a few minutes ago we live in a small town of 1300 people and to get an ALS unit out here is a 45 min wait and Air flight (in good weather) is 30 min ETA. ETA for us to get to the hospital 8 - 10 min. Don't think that they would want to wait, would you?! :?

    We are not first responders out here. We had to go to classes just like everyone else to learn what we do out here and we have to continue our education every couple of months depending on if the training is variances, hazmat, new equipment, etc. I stated earlier, we all are doing our best out there in a prehospital situation. Do you paramedics get the same bashing from doctors as I see here?!

    Thank goodness that the paramedics, Air flight and Doctors out here are grateful for people like us and tell us so all of the time. I am a bookkeeper for 2 newspapers and my husband is an Architect and this is a way to give back to our community.

    I didn't say nothing happened. In the operating room with the best doctors, something could happen even with the best equipment possible. That's life. :roll:

    Thank you.

  3. My husband and I are a team ( considered one EMT) because we have 2 small kids. Several months ago he took a call elderly women knitting developed a severe headache that radiated down her neck and back. There were no other S/S. She was transported to the hospital via our ambulance and then flown to the cities (2 and half hours away by ground) where she stayed for about 6 or 8 days. It was a bleed on the brain for what we were told and she did have surgery. Her family got to spend a few more days with her once she was moved out of intensive care. She passed away at the hospital.

    It is helping people in cases like this that makes us feel good about being an EMT-B.

    Have a great day!

  4. :lol::) Let me explain. I moved from Dallas Texas to Renville, Minnesota a very small town of 1300 people, mostly elderly, and for us to receive an ALS intercept out here is about a 45 min ETA. We can get a helicopter, if the weather is good enough to fly, from North Memorial which is at least a half hour flight to get to us. We are all a volunteer EMT service and a lot of times I leave my job, a Bookkeeper for 2 Newspaper companies to assist on daytime runs and it only takes us an ETA of 10 -12 min to the Hospital. If you ask anyone of the residents in this town which they would prefer waiting for them to transport or us to take them to a hospital, they would take anyone of us EMT's... Their Thank Yous are submitted to our local newspapers all the time patting our service on the back for a job well done.

    We should all be treated with respect is all I was saying...not that education is self is not needed compassion is.

    Have a great day and Doc thank you for being out there for all of us EMT's.

  5. :?: :?: :?: [align=justify]I am new to this website and have only been an EMT-B for about a year now. After reading the comments paramedic's vs basic EMT's, I think that everyone is loosing site of the whole picture. We should be grateful that there are people out there willing to help out in a pre-hospital setting to help someone who needs help. You can go over and over Doc's vs Paramedic's vs EMT-B's vs First Responders all day long and get no where. Hats off to all of us that are willing to try our best for our fellow brothers and sisters out there. I agree that perhaps we should all have more education in some situations but all of the education in the world is not going to guarantee anyone to make the right choices.....even Doc's.....

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