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Posts posted by Katiebug

  1. Welcome to EMS! This job is hours and days of boredom interrupted by moments of sheer terror. There's definitely nothing like it.

    To quote Mike, "I'm only half kidding".

    Have fun and enjoy the ride. Remember that none of the emergencies are yours, you're just there to help. It's easier to keep your head if you can remember that when it counts.

    Watch what you eat. It's difficult when you're out at 0400, starving, and nothing is open but the gas station. You will gain 20 lbs your first year if you're not paying attention.

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  2. The bad part-patients who do not need ambulances are the majority of our calls, so I've pretty much just learned to deal with it.

    And there it is in a nutshell. This is how the bills get paid. No BS patients = unemployed EMTs. Consider them customers.

    On the flip side, I have been miffed at times for missing interesting calls while tending to some crybaby, but you have to get used to that. You can't pick your calls.

    I have helped guide a few to triage hell myself. That usually stops them from trying again. You'd just better be damn sure you know what you're doing. You will never have any credibility again if you pull that stunt and you're wrong. Plus you'll have to live with yourself after.

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  3. Firstly good to see you back brentoli .

    So a hard and fast blanket rule sound's more like a dictated scoop and run ignoring EBM that in many cases, fast only means pronounced faster in an ER .

    So how much $$$ does the state kick into the ambulance operations if the government is bound and determined to save lives ... maybe drop the speed limits get more drunks off the road, bottom line is response times are not the "root cause" of fatalities on highways.

    I can see that this will directly result in more crashes both ground and air, I sure would like to hear Bledsoe's opinion, on the use of more choppers in the air in crappy weather ?


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  4. The only time I EVER said anything about a discount was when I was having breakfast at McDonalds with a cop friend of mine. We were both on duty and in uniform.

    He ordered a rather large meal, while I just wanted a sausage biscuit and some tea. The cashier told him that police eat free and said mine would be $2.14.

    Maybe I shouldn't have said anything and just paid it. I'm not looking for handouts. Instead I said, "What if I wore a gun too? How much would it be then?" The words were out of my mouth before I knew it.

    The manager, who saw everything, said that she thought it was wrong, too. My meal was comped. I thanked them and that was the end of it.

    Afterward, I was sorry I said anything. It may have been wrong for them to do that, but the restaurant owner doesn't owe me a thing.

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  5. There is an app for iPhone that let's you talk on the phone, as long as there's wifi, even with no phone signal. It works for the itouch too, as long as you have the microphone.

    I'm sorry I don't remember what it's called right now, but it shouldn't be hard to find with a search.

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  6. I used to buy pallet lots of rejected bags from Iron Duck. I mean, honestly, the waste they create.. They reject bags for legitimate reasons, but there is literally nothing wrong with them, that any normal person would notice. They call it a blemish, if a star of life is sewn on in the wrong place. That's the difference between a bag costing $360, or $5. So, I'd turn around and sell them on eBay, tell what the blemish was, and get around 110% more for it than I paid.

    So I install this auto correct application on my new notebook. Holy hell, it has to go.

    How do you get connected to buy the rejected bags???

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  7. This is something that most of us have probably thought about many times. It's an interesting question.

    I have two posts. One is in the city and the other is about 1.5 hrs south in a very rural area. I run 911 at the rural station, but I stopped doing 911 in the city earlier this year. Except when the city has overflow. Then I jump in the unit and go. Moot point.

    It's true that there are much less "BS" calls in the country. At least where I am. Being from the country, we would have been horribly embarrassed for calling 911 unesseccarily. Just the way we were raised.

    Country people also tend to take themselves/each other to the hospital when they really, REALLY should give us time to get there. I had one about a month ago that came in as, "struck by lightning". On the way there, as I was mentally going over treatment for electrocution, we got disregarded. Pt was being taken POV. Admittedly, it was a let down for me, as I'll likely never get the chance to have that experience again. But I digress.

    I can help you out, sir. The atmosphere here is much more relaxed, and I won't have any trouble getting statistics for my area.

    2c4, in my area the top pathologies are probably the same, but difficulty breathing might beat out one of yours. That's just my experience talking.

    I've got nine days before I pull another 48 at the rural post. I'll get the stats then. Good topic.

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  8. Get catalogs from companies that sell camping gear. Some of the bags I see there can be used as a "first in" bag. One of my first kits I set up for myself was in a knapsack, before I earned enough to buy a "professional" bag.

    I've got a very nice Stat Pack BLS bag, but I have outgrown it.

    The issue is that we are often left scrounging for supplies. I know I know... I'm working on it.

    As a result, the the medics have taken to carrying their own jump bags. That way we stay stocked any way we can. A couple of the hospitals are pretty good about donating supplies when I ask. INTs, flushes, etc...

    Anyway... I need a bigger bag that's set up for EMS use. The one I have now is stretched to capacity, and I still have a few things I'd like to add.

    The bag I have now was given to me, so it's only right I should pass it on. When I get my new bag, we will have a contest for the basics. The bag is in mint condition and retails for $150 on the low end. I'll try to post a pic from the iPhone.

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    I also squeeze an intubation roll in there, along with a bag of gloves.

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  9. Lol, WTH is this? I read most of the biographies, which included:

    "before becoming the primary fondling member of the Utopian College."

    Who is he fondling?î•

    Unfortunately the video won't play on my iPhone, so I'm still not sure what it's all about. My interest is piqued though. I'll watch it on the laptop later.

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  10. I have tried several different brands. My favorite boots to wear on the job are not EMS boots at all. They're Red Wing work boots. The pair I have lasted three years. The leather is still good, they just need to be resoled. They are tough.

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  11. You'll note that this is not personally directed towards you. So don't get bent out of shape over the implication that your school may, in fact, suck.

    Don't worry, I don't tend to take things personally. There's going to be strong opinions on a forum like this. I have my own. Disagreeing with me does not make me angry, as I may disagree with you with no intent to anger you. Like now.

    As far as my education goes, I had a great teacher working within a poor program design. Only those of us that were highly motivated made it through. I used every study aid I could get my hands on.

    If you poo poo acronyms like LMNO to make them Pee, you might as well do away with SAMPLE, OPQRST, DCAP-BTLS and all the others. You're implying that learning these makes people too lazy to learn why they're asking the questions or performing said assessments. I understand where you're coming from, I just disagree.

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  12. I disagree. I find them to be helpful study aid. Knowing established treatments for your pathologies is good, and an acronym to help you remember it while you study does not prevent you from knowing why they are established treatments. In fact, they make you think of why they go together and what they each do.

    Your approach worked well for you, but won't work for everybody. What doesn't work for you doesn't suck, it just doesn't work for you.

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