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Posts posted by sirduke

  1. With two exceptions, these are elderly women, living in subsidised housing. We have more than once reffered them to the Adult protection services, who visit them.

    Having been through GEMS recently, I am more than aware of the dangers of abuse/neglect, and their new buzzword, Ageism, which I believe is what my partner is implying that I have.

    BUT, understanding their problem, they are lonely, is one thing, but my point is we cannot or should not spend so much time on scene. And the catering to them is only making the situation worse.

    I'm not a heartless bastard, regardless of how I sound. I have sympathy for their plight, but my point is, this is not a emergency.

    As for mental problems, one of them insist that she has an earring lodged in the lobe of her ear, and has been seen 5 times at the ER, x-rays and CAT scans at least 3 of those times with nothing found. Yes, I believe she has a mental problem, but it apparently isn't enough to have her placed in a group home. She can drive herself to the grocery store, and the beauty shop, so why do I have to get up at 3 am to hunt for a non-existant earring, and then wait at least 30 min minimum for my partner to fetch her coffee and fluff up her bed?

  2. I searched the forums and didn't find anything that exactly discussed this, so if I posted it in the wrong place or it has been previously addressed, Flame me.

    Every service I know of, and from what I've read, has frequent flyers. Those patients you see over and over and over.

    Fact of life in EMS I know, but here is the beef.

    We have two of our personnel, won't mention levels, cause that just fans the flames, who seem compelled to babysit the frequent flyers.

    We will go on-scene to general sickness, or "pain all over" or insert complaint here, only to arrive, check the patient whom we've seen at least twice today already, and find no medical reason for calling EMS.

    All vitals within normal limits, no specific complaint, no fall, no fever, no cardiac, no nothing.

    Generally speaking, these are older women, who refuse to go to the hospital but just wanted to get checked out.

    Then procede to give you their life history, starting with the cooling of the earths crust, and detail every minor ailment from the stubbed toe in 39 to last weeks runny nose. Each attempt to elict a specific complaint or reason for calling EMS launches another round of "History of her World".

    These co-workers will stand around, and baby sit these people for up to 45 minutes or longer. One in particular, has been known to make them a sandwich, pour them coffee, assist them with finding their shoes under the bed, and fluff their pillows.

    Don't get me wrong, I am aware we need to have compassion, but WTF? We are a 911 service, in a large county with only two trucks.

    Not to mention, each time we end up going back, they seem to want us to do more and more, find my bedroom shoes, get me another drink, etc.

    And, should you refuse, as I do, they will whine and complain that you aren't as nice as the ones who were here last time, one even asked if she called 911 again, would she get the other crew.

    I got caught by scheduling having to ride with the prime babysitter, and we ended up staying on scene for 55 minutes while she chatted up Mrs.X and tidy'd up her living room for her. I got the vitals, she refused transport, and asked me to step out so she and my co-worker could chat. I told my partner we needed to return to station and went out to the truck, started and finished my run report.

    Finally, thankfully, dispatch kept calling status checks, until the director called from home to ask WTF, and we got off scene.

    When I mentioned this to my co-worker, she got extremely defensive, stating that it was our job to be compassionate, and go the extra mile to accommodate the patient. She accused me of being heartless and ruthless, and finished by saying as long as she was in charge, we would continue to accomodate these people.

    Needless to say, this is driving me nuts. We are Emergency Medical Services, not Auntie Em's Personal Care and Cleaning Service.

    Am I alone in this opinion

  3. I'll give you my opinion, and remember, its my opinion only.


    A.) They are afraid that they might try and fail, maybe, I doubt this is the main cause.

    B.) They are lazy, having risen to their own level of incompetence or complacency.

    C.) Both


    A.) Require them to get busy or get out. I would imagine the latter option taken.

    To me it is like trying to help an alcholic, if they want help, they'll seek it out, otherwise you are wasting your breath.

    Just one man's opinion

  4. I for one would have loved to have a scholarship to go to paramedic school, my service will reimburse you over a three year period AFTER you graduate and pass Registry.

    Georgia offers the Hope grant, which I got, but it barely covers tuition, you are on your own for books. One of my classmates works for a more progressive service which covers everything, with an additional bonus of paying mileage to and from school.

    The rest has come out of my pocket, but if anyone uses the excuse about not being able to afford it, it is just that, an excuse.

    My income level disqualified me for Pell Grants, but those who say, "I don't make enough, or my family doesn't have the money" are the ones who DO qualify for these grants.

    Then again, try a student loan.

    Bottom line, if you want to go further with your education, you will do it, if you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    Another peeve of mine is the EMTs I know, who have been in EMS 5 or more years, who passed up opportunities to go to school, yet get pissy with me for going.

    If you want to stagnate, thats your choice, but don't bitch when I am trying to progress.

  5. Now that was a real response to my post, bad as I hate to say it, Dust, you is de man.

    For those of you who may have missed it, not only did he wait until the OP's appointed time to chime in, but managed to refute everything I've said without jumping out with flaming vitriol.

    I salute you Devil.

    I agree with the statement about putting a green medic in the field, again, there it is.

    The service I work for is slowly coming around. The problem seems to be the county administration and the prior director.

    It is getting better, but slowly. I am hoping to get hired with another service when I get my paramedic license in December. Until then, I don't have much choice but to stay.

    I took the job as an EMT-I so that I could go to paramedic school, the local schools won't take you as a paramedic school without a service sponsoring you, so I had no choice. Took a hell of a pay cut from my previous job to do it, but my eventual goal is worth it.

    Anyway, thanks again for an interesting discussion. I'm sure we'll butt heads again on this site.

    Until then my head remains bloody but unbowed...

    Now I'll get out of here before immigration finds my wetback ass.

  6. Oh my, has the "little man" EMT upset the Paragod?

    You are the one who barged in with the mud slinging and slander. I just gave you back your own vitrol. You started this attack, not me, typical Paragod syndrome iffen you-all axe me..

    Yes God, I is uneducated, reckon us Gawga folks is just dumber that a box o rocks.

    Guess I wasted all that time in college and tech school, not to mention all the professional development courses I've taken over the years.

    Gee, Dairy Queen, nah, I failed the entrance exam, kept mixing the whipped cream and chocolate up.

    I guess I'll crawl back into my lil ole Rebel double wide trailer, and strum my ole banjo.

    Give me a PM if you want details.

  7. Because we can't keep our mouths shut. :oops:

    At long last, something we agree on.

    What makes you think that just because I'm not a paramedic yet that I am not qualified to offer an opinion on what makes a good paramedic.

    I'm not a mother, but I can offer up items that make a good one, because unlike you, I had one.

    I'm not a lawyer, but again, I can offer up things that make a good one. I've had to use one.

    I'm not yet a paramedic, but I've worked with many, a few bad, the majority excellent.

    Just because I am not a paramedic doesnt mean that I can't observe and make observations. Or is that beyond your scope of understanding.

    You sir, assume that I'm (a) failing my classes, (B) am offering up war stories instead of listening, © handing out drugs and preforming treatments beyond my scope of practice, etc. etc. any yet you don't even know a thing about me.

    As for my preceptor, I didn't name her, I doubt she would have a problem with that. You see, unlike you, she is a Paramedic, not a PARAGOD.

    Flame on there sparky

  8. Just what I was referring to in my previous post, you want to slap me down, yet you did'nt digest a thing I wrote.

    I guess it is a good thing I'm not your student then.

    Lets recap what I said, or rather the intention of what I said.

    Experience counts, being able to maintain your composure counts, these things come with maturity.

    Will you concede me this point? Probably not.

    As for exceeding my scope of practice, no, not my idea of a good time. Where did I suggest that I would do that?

    What I said, simply stated, was that by having experience prior to going to medic school, gives you a better chance, In my humble opinion, at maintaining your composure on scene, and there by being able to think clearly, which leads to better patient care.

    And out of this, you assume that I am an arrogant fool? Man, you are good aren't you?

    Nowhere in my post did I state that I knew the "real" deal, nor did I come across with any stupid ass blanket statements like, "we don't need paramedics," or "EMTs save paramedics" or any other of that ignorant babble.

    I said, and I guess this is what torqued your nuts, was I have been on scene with a paramedic who lost it, which is true, but if you read further down, I also said I had been on scene where a paramedic pulled my butt out of the fire by keeping me from doing something wrong. I was green, and overlooked something that I should have noticed. The medic I was referring to earlier, was also green and very young, 22 years old to be exact. He was/is one of the smartest people I've ever met, but was overwhelmed at the moment.

    Does that make me arrogant? If so, please be so kind as to explain why.

    Hell, I just ran a call a few minutes ago with my paramedic preceptor in which I had to take over a procedure because she started gagging and ended up throwing up in the trash can. Does this make me arrogant because I did something she couldn't? No, does this make her a bad medic, not in my opinion, she just had a weak stomach moment. It didn't bother me, it did her, so I took over and suctioned the blood out of the trach.

    Again, please explain exactly what I said that makes you so angry, and makes you leap to the conclusion that I am saying I know everything.

    Why, if anyone does anything but agree with everything you say, do you feel the need to go into attack mode?

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