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Posts posted by RiderRob89

  1. I find the selector knob and buttons easy to use, and its nice that we can go back and review a code summary. However, they are very heavy, paticularly if your just looking to use the AED. For the sake of simplicity, we leave the darn thing on the bus and just take an AED in with us. It's alot lighter, and if a patient does look like there "about to go" on us, one of us will get the LP while the other enters the house/ scene.

  2. Full arrests you say.....As opposed to a half arrest? Anyways. FRs have their place and it is not on an ambulance. Thats just the way it is. You say you have the same training as an EMT? then why don't you have an emt card? besides the fact that the EMT level is woefully inadequate for emergency work.

    You saying that you have seen higher level providers that should not have their certification does nothing to validat you presence on an ambulance.

    Sir, I resent your condescending and negative attitude....I notice your a Paramedic....you must be one of thos paramedics who think there shit doesn't stink..and I don't have an EMT card because I'm not 18 yet, also, you must live in a state where you were able to go right to ALS without being BLS certified first....because if you had been BLS first, you would be more aware of the capablilites of BLS providers. If you don't believe we know what we are doing, check out our unit citations........members under the age of 18 in the past 6 months alone earned a total of 8 pre-hospital saves, two heroic action awards, one medal of valor and several citations from our department as well as several awards from the hospital. So take your attitude somewhere else.....and I hope you never get sick in my town, buddy.

  3. As a First Responder in NY, I feel that we (meaning FR's) are qualified to staff a bus. NYS Law requires at least an EMT, so we always have an EMT with us, and we have the same training as EMT's, with only one or two minor differences. I have run full codes and major traumas on my own, and I resent the notion that we need to be "babyed" to do our jobs. Furthermore, let's not forget that many first responder's are exactly that...the first one's on the scene, responsible for caring for the pt. until the bus arrives (I've been on calls where I'm the only FR on scene and the bus doesnt show up for ten or 20 minutes) and yes, I have been first on scene for full arrests, major traumas and the like. (and of course the normal share of BS calls.) So I think it is unfair to bash FR's. Besides, I've seen plenty of EMT's and "Para-gods" who should have there certification cards ripped up!

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