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EMS Solutions

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Posts posted by EMS Solutions

  1. OK well, I'll meet you half way. If the ETA was 8-10min.Then after about 4 you could have started getting the pt out and onto a board. If you were unsure you may have asked for an updated ETA to better time the ALS arrival, thereby limiting her laying on the ground time.

    In the meantime, was demographics obtained? Name, address, HX, meds etc. Or was it all in your head and rattled off to the medic upon arrival?

    Personally I hate when I arrive on scene and see numerous responders all standing around with a patient sitting in a car, no patient information besides a 10 min old vital signs report. Then its a big rush to get em out of the car and into my ambulance.

    Everyone wants to "get there". But when they do, its a lot of standing around flexing their turnout gear and bat belts.

    Did you do anything wrong? Maybe not, I wasn't there. But had I rolled up and seen several responders with one guy holding neck stabilization, I prob. would have been irritated.

    Let them scream - everyone needs a little drama in their life.

    Plus the car must have been hot as mentioned before. I personally don't like running vehicles while I'm with a patient, the door open, damaged, fluids leaking, blah blah blah.

    Safety First - People Always

    Now if I was the medic and awaiting a BLS truck to transport. I would not have even done the collar. I mean come on - That's a BLS skill. My talents cannot be wasted on those tasks.

    I look much cooler standing there talking to the cops. <<- Just kidding. :twisted:

  2. Awhile back NY Preb. Hosp allowed medics to work triage as overtime only and they had to take a course thru the hospital.

    When Maimonides Hospital in Bklyn NY had a nursing strike, they let Medics work in the ER for overtime as well.

    I don't know of anyplace in NY or NJ that allows medics to work in a medic capacity. They will hire medics as patient care techs but the salary is usually lower.

  3. I don't really start being their social worker and tell them how they are ruining their lives. Mostly, they are well aware of that before I had to be in their presence. Especially when I get the same repeat customer several times.

    I am however, straight with them. I don't blow smoke and certainly don't let them think they are fooling me in anyway.

  4. Supply - We keep supplying free labor by volunteering

    Demand - There is no demand to have to pay us anymore than chicken feed

    Whenever, we start requiring EMS instructors to be EMS Educators with a formal degree, and requiring the minimum to have an associate degree before job entry level, then and only then we have a legitimate gripe.

    Yes all EMS Eductaors should have formal degrees and get paid accordingly as well. By requiring them to have these degrees , payscales will increase as an educator.

    But still, the field personnel will have no drive to get the higher eduaction until their payscale and benefits improve.

    I dont think the formally educated instructor will teach for free i.e volunteer.

    Why do nurses, Lab techs, x-ray techs, PA's etc all get paid more? There are no volunteer nursing or x-ray tech squads.

    They demand pay and employers supply it.

  5. Where is my motivation to go to school for an EMS career? Get my BA, BS etc. and then get paid $12-$22 per hour.

    There has to be some incentive other than "helping my fellow man" for EMS to grow and be the job it can and was meant to be.

    As long there are volunteers willing to do my paid job, the salary/beneifts wont improve and people will continue to take the shortest route available to obtain the paramedic title and get that $12 per hour.

    In addition,where am I finding all this time to get my masters when I am so busy getting my CEU's to maintain my current certification, working a second job and trying to spend some time with my family and fix my house?

    I look at salaries nationwide and see the dogs wages we are getting paid for a job description that runs 3 pages and puts much more responsibility on the employee that a $12 per hour payscale should be allowed, never mind expected to do.

    I dont care about lawyers, doctors, nurses, garbage men or ditch diggers.

    We need to stop this hypothetical ranting and start taking steps to change EMS from a stepping stone job to PD or Fire and into a professional career that is known and respected by the public. With pay and benefits meeting the job description and responsibilities.

    Education is key, but there has to be an incentive for people to get that education.

    $12 just wont do it.

  6. The Flag Code states it is the universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flag staffs in the open. However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed twenty-four hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness. The American Legion interprets " proper illumination" as a light specifically placed to illuminate the flag (preferred) or having a light source sufficient to illuminate the flag so it is recognizable as such by the casual observer.

    So, if worse comes to worse, you may still have it but will just have to take it down each day. Perhaps, once people have to do this they will opt for a 24 hour showing and the light.

    With our brothers and sisters dying overseas, the least your organization can do is spring for light.

  7. OK NYCntg - I have one word for you...

    Get a Contrera Pouch - Ok thats more than one word.

    It fits, penlight, sheers, O2 wrench, gloves and radio. Plus still has room for one more item along those lines.

    I actually have one of those fancy wanynu o2 wrneches and put that on my key ring. Leaving two extra slots on the contrera pouch. plenty of rom for that multi wrench and window punch.

    BTW - I never carried a multi tool but have at times needed one.

    Also - try taking your belt off between calls. I used to leave it on all the time and I think it gave me restless leg syndrome.

    Last - ex- combat engineer? I saw your sig in the last post.

    Stay safe

  8. Hi,

    I am creating a report that will be free to vivitors and members of my website.

    It is on the subject of intubations and tips, tricks and techniques.

    I am looking for input from this forum as well as placing this poll as part of the report.

    All feedback is welcome.

    send it to


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