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Posts posted by akroeze

  1. No pacemaker in place at the time of the ECG. She was being observed in ICU due to the block diagnosis but had required no interventions. She was going for a permanent pacer insertion as it was presumed her presyncopal episodes were due to bradying down or going to a higher degree block transiently.

  2. http://newacp.blogspot.com/2009/06/2nd-deg...i-with-bbb.html

    Ok so I had this all typed up and somehow lost the entire post so I'm going to type it up again somewhat more short this time.Elderly female patient presenting to the local ED with 2-3 weeks of general weakness and presyncopal episodes. I encounter this patient as I take over her care for the trip from the local ICU to the tertiary care facility for pacemaker insertion. V/S are stable, no complaints when I cared for her.

    No 12 lead available (it was on her chart so I didn't do my own). I tried as best as I could to clean it up but that was the best tracing I could do no matter what I tried.

    (Can't get images to post even though the blog post before this it went just fine. Now when I post them it doesn't let you click to enbiggen.)



    Physician's diagnosis? 2nd degree AVB Type I with RBBB

    If I hadn't been told that I don't know that that is what I would have come up with on my own. Before my post was eaten I had gone into great detail about my step by step interpretation but I'll summarize it this time.

    Regular at a normal rate with variance between wide and narrow QRS complexes. The P-waves seem to be associated to the QRS variable between a very prolonged PRI to a normal PRI. The normal PRI is attached to the narrow complex and the prolonged PRI is attached to the wide QRS.

    Can BBBs be intermittent like that? To the point of the bigeminy that is shown at the end of the strip there? One could actually argue that there are three different morphologies that are rotating through at the end not two, although I think the third one is a fusion of the other two (it looks like half of one and half of the other). The QRS are regular regardless of the morphology yet the PRI flip flops, how is this possible? Can someone who knows more about this stuff answer how all this is possible?

  3. Are you not issued all the equipment you would need from your organization? If not, why not and why are you putting your own money into it when they should be?

    If this is for personal use then lets of band-aids and a bit of gauze and a few triangulars is all you need.

  4. 27 y/o male complaining of opiate withdrawal symptoms. Hemodynamically stable. What would you call this rhythm?


    Sorry, don't have a 12 lead available.

    Hmmmmm, I'll take a stab and risk looking like a fool.

    The first three complexes are very regular, then we see what one could call a junctional escape, then the next 3 are pretty regular, then what looks like two more junctional escapes, not enough to say what the last complex is.

    Although now that I look closer those escape beats COULD be wide depending on where you are saying the complex ends and the ST begins and they are certainly a different morphology at the very tail end of them so they could be ventricular in origin possibly.

    If I had to give it a name I would call it Sinus with escape beats.

    I know, not really definite but I gave it a shot!

  5. If it is like that, and everyone is that upset with status quo, why not change it? How hard would be for another EMS service to come in and set up shop. If they(the new company) offers better than what is given by them(the old company) then the old company will have to change its standards and practices or be shut down for lack of staff and/or business?

    The ambulance service is completely controlled by the province in BC and they are the only ones who are allowed to provide it.

    At least that is my understanding.

  6. Well my orientation was:

    1 day of base hospital cert

    3 days riding as a third person with another ACP crew

    I was supposed to do 8 shifts working partner with another ACP but that got canceled

    So I am now out on my own after those initial 4 days

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