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Everything posted by satasaurus

  1. After you guys mentioned insurance I looked around and it looks like it would be $75 per year for liability, and $200 per year for collision and comprehensive on a 250cc sport bike. It's $500 per year for full coverage on a 500cc sport bike. Not too bad.
  2. I don't know if there was supposed to be something after it's, but yeah I know what you mean. I am scared(of idiots), but if I wasn't I would be an idiot. I know how dangerous they are. I know that once I get on a bike I'm not that scared, but there's always that what if in the back of my mind. Statistically, being a pedestrian and driving a car is more dangerous then motorcycles, but there are a heck of a lot more pedestrians and cars then motorcycles at the same time. I can't believe that in around 100 years of motorcycles existing, still no one has come up with a really good safety system for them. That's pretty sad.
  3. Damn, really sorry to hear that. Yeah I'll definitely be getting gear as soon as I get one. I might ride one home with just a helmet and winter coat when I first get it, but as soon as it's home I would order all the gear and not ride it again until I had it. Man I'm so torn! I want one sooo bad, but it just scares the shit out of me. It sucks that there's nothing like it though. I could get a dirt bike at some point in the future, but it's not the same and it's still dangerous. I'm a really careful person so it just scares me more then most people. I haven't even had a broken bone because I hate being hurt and I make sure I don't do stupid stuff. As I type that I realize how stupid that sounds considering my thread, but I don't know how to explain it. I just cant shake the feeling of really wanting one.
  4. Thanks for the replies so far everyone! Yeah I'm really torn ... I've had my bike license for a year, and I really, really want one, but every time I think about going for it I think about how dangerous it is. I would be careful and wear all of the protective gear but I know that's no guarntee. I'm only 20 and I don't know if i should get one before I(hopfully) have a family some day, or just do it now because I'm sure wives aren't motorcycle fans. My dad doesn't want me to get one because he's had friends die on them, and his room mate in college was a paramedic and made him promise him that he would never get one. That was in the 70s though, when people were doing acid and wheelies with no helmets. I don't want to be afraid to live, but I don't want to be stupid either. This is probably one the hardest things I've ever had to decide.
  5. Hello, I don't know if I'm in the right section but hopefully I am. Basically, I'm thinking about a getting a motorcycle but I'm afraid at the same time because I know they're dangerous. I thought, what better place to see just how bad then an EMT forum. What is everyone's take on motorcycles? Out of all of the motorcycle accidents that you've seen, how many riders were dead vs seriously injured vs little to no injury? I would appreciate any help!
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