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Posts posted by Mediclease

  1. Ok Guy & Gals,

    Let try something different for a change, New Game to see who can stay on top. The key is to keep your name on top.

    Have fun with it.

    So here goes Since I'm first... I love being on top!!!!

  2. Now everyone's getting lost in the black hole....This is cool.... I'm kinda likin' what it's doing to my eyes. WORD! :rr: Luv, 8

    This post, is...the 60's, minus all the free sex and pot smokin...

  3. Yes. PArdon my fried brain. that was early morning with a 58-3 identifier...08-62 was the day work...

    LOL... so glad that I'm off for 2 days after today..... and it sounds like you need a couple of drinks too....

    i need a day off.

  4. Lol....no love...prior to My 8am arrival at 308's

    LMAO.... oh..ok well at least it was before you came in today.... I know that run my ass off today didn't get out till 930pm and we had most of our calls in the same area today within blocks of each other

  5. "08-62, called in by a passerby, reported to be jesus in the roadway, performing baptisms"

    So which call was that one today, Was that the behavioral one that you covered for us...LOL

  6. Dust.... I'm not taking it personal, cause I know that there are just as many bad EMT's out there and I've worked with them & there are some great EMT out there that I had the pleasure working with as well.

    Mediclease...i will back you on most anything, being that your a semi frequent partner of mine. On this particular point, dust is right on the coin.

    PRPG..... and I will agree with you dust is correct

  7. Mediclease- read my posts, I am currentlt a dumb ol' B and have not yet started medic classes. So I am not bashing B's, but am rather relaying frustration in knowing I could do more but am unable to due to lack of education- something I can and will rectify.

    I was not refering to you for you are an EMT.. I was refering to all the other medic's on here that are bitching about EMT's, cause for some reason they have forgetten that they were once EMT.....

  8. OK guy's I wasn't going to post on this one.. have been following it for awhile and reading all the responses to this... and you know All I have seen so far is a bunch of Medic's out here pissing on EMT"s and the few EMT's that have responded have been shredded to pieces on here.... Now correct me if I'm wrong.... But wasn't this suppose to be a posting about EMT's that have problems with Paramedic???????

    Yea I think is was not Paramedic's that have problems with EMT"s... And you know reading some of these posting from some of the medic's out there... you guy's really scare me if that how you treat your EMT's... I have know some great EMT over my career as both an EMT and a Medic... And I have worked with some not so great EMT's too, But If I find a problem with them on a call like not knowing how to do something or doing something incorrect. It has always been a rule of my to try and help them, Of course saying that If they do something that I think is not in the best interest of the patient at that time I have spoken up on many occasion Said that what they are doing is not right and try to correct it before something bad has happened. Then after the call I will talk the call over with them and give them pointer on where they went wrong or how they can do something better. it the same with some of the EMT's that I have worked with that are going through Medic School any question they might have I try to answer and If I don't have the answer I try to find it for them It"s all part of the learning Process.

    And If they want to stay EMT's then so be it.... Don't dis on them for that... And that all I have to say for now take it for what it is worth to you guys....

  9. Thank you all for your input on this and keeping the thread basically fight free. Here is the final product. hope you all enjoy and im sure some will be offended :twisted:


    Paragod: A paramedic that knows everything there is to know about Para medicine. Enough to kill someone! Their ideas are ALWAYS right, mine/our's are always wrong. They're usually loud, overbearing individuals who never drive because their place is in the back of the ambulance even on a medic/medic unit.

    This definition is from another paramedic. That in it is unique in that paramedic usually has a better understanding of how the world of emergency medicine works and will change the term ParaGod to God complex. That is not to say that as paramedics we do not know others that fit under the umbrella of ParaGod but also at different skill levels.

    Paramedic is the highest level attainable in EMS that is without becoming a doctor. In most all-reputable programs an individual will spend up to 24 months in school and receive an associates degree from a college. These programs will run 1600 to 2000 clock hours and are always very intensive. Paramedics that graduate from these programs are not only trained to work in that local area, they are also trained to be able to work anywhere in the country.

    Paramedics are taught Advanced Life Support procedures and pharmacological interventions. In some areas of the country the paramedic maybe allowed to perform some small surgical interventions like central line placements and crichothyrotomy, or surgical airway. These are just a couple items that are within the paramedic scope of practice as allowed by local medical direction. Given these newly acquired skills and knowledge it is not uncommon for a new paramedic to come out of school and in to a new job ready and more than willing to prove their new skills. These individuals are normal and are usually “ humbled “ by a bad call or a mistake in treatment or diagnosis. It is the paramedic that does not learn from these experiences that earns and is given the title “ParaGod”.

    The EMT-Basic will spend up to six months in school learning the basic treatments and interventions allowed to staff a Basic Life Support ambulance. These things include advanced first aid and CPR, a bit more in depth anatomy and physiology with that main focus being trauma. It is not uncommon for a new basic to come out of school and want to do everything possible to impress the administration of their service as well as the instructors of the local paramedic program. It happens that basic level EMT’s tend to be harder to “ humble” than a paramedic due to the lesser skills involved and this drive to impress.

    It is generally accecepted in the profession that ParaGods are born not made. In other words, a jerk is always going to be a Jerk. If you were a jerk going in to medic school you will be a jerk coming out of school no matter what level of education you have gained. EMT’s are as vulnerable to the bite of the of the ParaGod bug as a paramedic they just happen to be easier to ignore.

    Nicely done Race.... LMFAO..... :laughing3:

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