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Posts posted by ambogrl

  1. Having just finished my didactic and clinicals (I am starting my internship soon), I must tell you that all the previous posts have been spot on. You must know your A&P very well. I would recommend you learn the structure of the heart and the main vessels, and know the path of blood through each. (Inferior & Superior Vena Cava into the Right atrium, through the tricuspid (you ride a tricycle before a bicycle) valve to right ventricle through the pulmonary semi-lunar valve to the Pulmonary arteries to the lungs to the pulmonary veins to the left atrium to the tricuspid or mitral valve to the left ventricle to the aortic semi-lunar valve to the Aorta ,...etc). You should understand pharmacology, make posters and flash cards of ALL 42 drugs that are in the National Scope (many schools only teach local protocols, this may screw you for your NREMT test or if you move to a different county or state). You should know the name (many have brand, US pharm and generic names), class, indication, contraindications, side effects and the pharmokinetics and dose for each indication of each drug. Also brush up on your math skills for drug doses (fractions and decimals by hand, our lovely public school system focused on calculators and computers, you must know how to do all by hand) and drip rates.

    If you have any questions or need help during school don't hesitate to ask us, that's what we are here for.

    Good Luck!


  2. ~1L saline bag stripped with a 10ggts set. Place bag under seat between seat and springs....run the line up behind the seat and under the seat cover at about shoulder height. When the crew sit on the seats the pressure will get their seats wet...

    ~Go into their rig and remove all supplies from the cabinets and put them back in the wrong spot.

    ~Baby powder/garlic powder/powdered sugar in the vents, turn a/c or heat fan on high...when they turn on rig.....

    ~Condiments (mayonnaise is good due to its consistency) on the steering wheel, doorknobs and seat belts.

    ~Egg salad sandwich (or some other foul smelling food item), preferably old and unrefrigerated in the trash in cab...works best on a hot day when parked in the sun (preferably while they are in station for a good amount of time so the stench can permeate the whole ambo).

    ~Classic!!!!...while partner or crew member is in the shower, sneak in and replace his/her clothes and towels with something incredibly funny like Granny's moo moo, pink robe etc. complete with fuzzy slippers (this takes some premeditation)

    ~When rival crew leave keys in rig/this also works for PD (if you are on REALLY GOOD TERMS WITH THEM). You turn it around/park it differently as to confuse them....did they really park that way?...or drive it around the corner so when they come out its gone...that will teach them to leave the keys in and the rig unlocked.

    ~Classic bra and or underwear (depending on sex of person) flying on the flag pole or up on the ladder....

    ~Everyone has always done the lights/sirens switch flip so they look like idiots pulling out of ED.

    ~Readjust their mirrors....

    These are just a few I have many more...


  3. 40mg of expired Lasix in a really a hole medics coffee while he wasn't looking... had no idea why he was peeing all day long.

    This is SCARY!!!!!!!

    Lasix aka Furosemide is a Sulfonamide Loop Diuretic...therefore it is Contraindicated in people who are allergic to Sulfa!!! Many people are deathly allergic to sulfa like me. If you played that prank on me you would have KILLED me!!

    So.... PLEASE be careful when you play jokes on people!

    Off the soapbox now...


  4. The only problem I have is that they only have to take the written test, sometimes not even that to renew their liscense. I think it sould be mandatory for everyone to have a written and driving test every ten years or so. Due to new technology, new laws etc things change and you should be required to learn these new rules as well as be tested on them.

    My two cents.


  5. We are licensed in California as paramedics but we still get lousy pay. I heard that in Oregon you can get in with a degree in anything plus your paramedic training. It makes sense to have higher educated professionals but until more colleges and universities offer paramedic degrees there might be a problem getting one. For now I believe that having a bachelors and your paramedic education shows you have the maturity and the education to preform well. "training" comes later when you are interning and hired on with your company. The degree idea is good but it will take a few years until there are enough college programs to support a country or even statewide requirement. Remember Paramedicine is fairly new, we are growing and learning but changes, even for the better, must take time.


  6. ok both emt-b's so unless its a bls transfer company they wouldnt reun the same car anyways. and if ur new to the company AND a new emt u prob woun't have the choice to be together anyways. maybe same shift but newbies or rookies often dont get to choose thier shifts for personal reasons maybe for school but....ur pushing it unless u have REALLY REALLY cool sups and they have losts of shifts to fill, its highly unlikely.

    my two cents


  7. LA and Socal baby! 9 million people in the greater Los Angeles area, home of guns, knives and multitudes of illegal and legal drugs..... so Persik and me are in the same size class...on opposite sides of the world eh... :D

    Oh yeah my old stomping grounds would be the Bay Area and East Side San Jo is the Arm Pit of the Silicone Valley...Good luck and be safe Byker!


  8. Okay this is exactly my life!

    ~ S, B, Q words always start up a bunch of sh*t and at least one cluster f*ck.

    ~ Taking off boots or in my case, even unzipping them for some fresh air. This also applies to untucking the shirt or just wearing your undershirt. (Remember I'm system status)

    ~The whole night is toast (night shift here) if you have something important to do the next day.

    ~ If you are ordering, just finishing or dare I might say lifting the first bite of food to your mouth (and usually this is when you haven't eaten all day)

    ~ You must study, do your bills, taxes or complete some form of project for the next morning.

    ~ You have been working or will be working a 36 or longer.

    ~ Just started a REALLY interesting phone call with your boyfriend (sig other, spouse etc.)

    Exactly the opposite happens when you have nothing to do, are not the least bit tired, ate all day etc.


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  9. Is it crazy to think that I could be an EMT-B and even progress on to an EMT-P at the age of 33?

    Nope! If you are a good EMT it doesn't matter, actually I see more of an age bias with the younger EMT's. Most PT's see a more mature EMT and feel you have more experience than those that are younger, so even though you may be new to the job you prob will get more respect from the PT population.

    -Has anyone ever heard of other women my age starting this career?

    Yes quite a few people have a late start. From what I've seen they either start right away out of high school or start later after they find their current careers boring or unfullfilling.

    -Is there any gender/age bias in the field (or in school) that I should prepare myself for? Off the record of course.

    As a female I must say there is a gender bias. Of a starting class of over 90 students (we ended up with around 35 it is a hard course) I was one of 4 females. Most of the students wanted to be Firefighters eventually and that population is still sadly mostly males. So just like anything you have to prove yourself capable. But many people say that women are better in EMS because we can stay calm and assess the situation better than males who are like bulls in a china shop and tend to run in fast and furious.

    -The first chapter in my textbook states that I "should be able to lift and carry up to 125 pounds". I can do 80 so far, will that be a problem for me in school? I wont have my ride along until mid July. I'm sure I can get there by then.

    My employers say 180lbs but who's counting!!!! :D Its the gurney they are talking about and you should be able to lift your end without difficulty. Its not the weight as much as the coordination with lifting as a team. Don't worry you'll get it. That is the least of your problems!

    -My school only does one 10-12 hour ride along at the end of the program. When you were a student did you feel that was enough in the field time? Do people ever get more time if they volunteer for it?

    NO!!!! Skills are everything and no matter how many times you do it in the class room it is NEVER, NEVER like that in the field. I'd ask your teacher if you can do more ride alongs for practice sake. And try to mix it up, one fire, one private ambulance one in the ED, so you can get the feel of the different calls and situations for each. All are very different experiences for all have different areas of expertise. If your prof can't fix you up, they prob can, but if they can't try going to a station or the ED and stating that your a student (you'll get the req. paperwork etc) but you would like to ride along etc... most places will oblige.

    -What is the harsh reality of actually finding employment (at any rate of pay), as a fresh EMT-B grad?

    Depends on your area.. I'm in Cali too so if you need pointers always ask me. But in general the Bay Area is hard even if you have experience. I had to move to socal for my EMT experience for Medic school. I work fire but not full time......most medic schools in cali anyway need at LEAST 6 mo of FULL TIME experience as an EMT basic. But you have had experience with other jobs and I'm sure have been a star employee so that always counts. Your skills will improve with time but your attitude and work ethic are a big plus and having been in a solid career before will help a lot.

    -Is there anyone else who has ever gone through my similar situation and is in California?

    Yes, I have so just ask away.

    -How many of you went to a trade school (or vocational school) versus a junior college or university?

    Sorry I went to a private college have my BA and then to JR college for EMT. Private is usually more impacted and shorter so pay attention! There is a lot of info in a short amt of time!

    Be safe, good luck and remember to ask questions!


  10. mediccjh said:

    I tend to stay and play a little bit. Sit on scene, get my crap done, including IVs, and then go. Unless it is a very critical pt, and I can get all I have to get done on the way in the short amount of time.

    Me too, especially when a lot of our calls are like "1.2" miles from the ED. We have REAL short calls like that and LONG ones like over 30 mins. So take your pick. It usually is the downhill trauma that is 30 min out and the granny that has the flu that is 2 min out. The way the world turns man.


  11. My theory is that during a full moon or close to it (at least here in the desert) one can see at night almost like its a severely overcast day. Therefore a lot more people....usually the crazies or the stupid boys on toys are out at night. We get a lot more drunk accidents on bikes, dune buggies etc. and more psych PT's wandering the streets on a full moon. That's my two cents...


  12. I agree with USAF... when the day comes that you pick and choose who you help and who you don't, it's time to leave emergency services.

    This is the total truth. When you start deciding who lives and dies well... if I may quote my self from another thread..."Many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends"


    I must say siblings but since they are all in the fire service they can figure out how to get out all by themselves, we hope anyways. So when it comes to my basic ems standard I look towards Tolkien and my the nerdy side of me must agree with the utopian way of things but in the end I probably would choose the sibling first and go back for the others....because after all I'm still human.


  13. What I can't understand is that that wasn't even the official flag of the confederacy. But anyways.....One half of my family fled the Nazi's and fought against them, the other side fought against each other in the civil war. Most of the confederate soldiers didn't even own slaves, they were just fighting for their states rights, and the union fought for nations rights its too complex to say in one sentence......

  14. Its nice that you guys have the go ahead from ur med dir to bend a few rules. our protocols are printed out and LAMINATED and placed in our rig....... I do pretty much everything, (eg: set up IV, meds and read and interpret the monitor, glucose....etc) except the IV stick, intubation and blood draw. But since our county is soooooo conservative i do these things with ptnrs that i know and trust, and never in front of other agency personnel like, PD especially if i dont know them. breaking protocols and going out of our scope of practice is grounds for termination and many other bad things....

  15. Do any of you ever break local protocols?

    The other night a medic I'm not used to working with expected me to stick at PT. Under our company policy and local protocols I can't do that. I felt like a tard cause I told him in front of a PT and PD that I couldn't and wouldn't do it. He seemed surprised thus making me look even more like a tard. Later I spoke to him about it and well....... Some people feel that they can cross the line if they are comfortable with their medic partner, and don't get caught.....

    I just wanted your thoughts on this.....



  16. I love CSI I bought a TV-O just for CSI! My favorite is the original "Vegas". I love Warrick and Nick ooooooohh I could take them both, he heh ehee. I love a good strong redhead like me, its Kathrine by the way. I like NYC second and Twitch I have heard others say they don't like NYC because of the coloring too. And yes Miami is a bit too flashy and macho and what happened to Speed? I missed that episode he was so cute!?


  17. Hey Dixie,

    I hear ya. I used to be a swimmer and polo player, JO's and Nationals the whole shebang. Now as you can tell by my posts I'm a couch potato! I walk and run up and down the hills here at home....much to the screams of my legs! But I need that motivation that my coach used to drill into us. I must say its hard without that constant training, and I knew if I didn't show up for practice I'd be busted.

    Plus the schedule at work doesn't help, on my 12 hrs I just get home and sleep then get up and go back to work, and on my days off I veg cause I can.

    I've always had a strong upper body, I can beat you on the push ups Dix but I need to get my legs in shape, any suggestions, that won't leave me handicapped on the couch for days? :shock:

  18. Hey just a quickie....

    I was wondering who still uses MAST pants?

    I have heard a few comments on the site and I was just wondering who keeps them in the rig, and who uses them and of course your location. The reason I ask is that we are not allowed to use them here (California, USA), not even allowed to carry them as equipment.

  19. Ha! You must be kidding me! Well we don't see MD's much our nurses run the show most of the time unless its a trauma case or a code. But they all aren't too bad except the medical director is such a pr**k that most of the other ED docs are leaving our main hosp for other posts elsewhere. Our nurses can be assh*les too, there are a few that are real nice especially the travel RN's...... we just know who to talk to and who to avoid. Some will chew us out for hanging in the nurses break room (even when our computer station was located there, we couldn't complete our PCR's without going in there!) while others will chill with us.

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