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Posts posted by anonymous

  1. Thanks Mobes but I understand where Mike is coming from. I hadn't expected to post again but I'll address Mikes concerns. The nurse made the comment the crass way she did because she was so shocked that she reverted to her back ground. This nurse is from the same area as the patient and may even know the family. She was so shocked by what she witnessed that she couldn't even think of the right word for semen and knowing that the first word in her head was inappropriate she spelled it out. Fortunately there was no family in the room at the time.

  2. Greetings all;

    Contrary to the rules of this site, I have created this account for the sole purpose of creating this post and I do not intend to use this account again. Since the mods are previewing this post I will assume I am forgiven just this once if it appears in the forums.

    The reason I am posting this anonymously is because I am a well known user on this forum and I've made no secrets of where I am from or who I am. Should this information be linked to me, a reader may also be able to identify who I am talking about. For the protection of my patient I am taking steps to avoid this possibility. This is not a scenario or a peer review, just a need to vent.

    This afternoon I was dispatched to intercept a BLS unit with a 14 year old unconscious female with cold exposure. I assess the patient and she's not cold at all but her forearms are covered with old shallow cuts from self mutilation. GCS is 6 but she's maintaining her airway. She was last seen 2 hours prior in a normal state and was found unconscious by friends who carried her part way home then called her mother. Her vitals were fine, ECG was fine, and I only had enough time in transit to start an IV and give Narcan before we arrived at the hospital.

    In the hospital her GCS came up to 8, it was determined that she had benzos, opiates, and THC on board, an NG tube was placed but nothing was aspirated. As the foley was being placed the nurse let out an exclamation...I can't see what I'm doing here, she's full of C-U-M!!!! (estimated 30cc) Immediately my concern shifts from a drug overdose to a drugging and rape. I express my concern to the doc who states. "you know this makes a bunch more work for me." I insisted, the doc does a quick exam an hour later and decides it's vaginal discharge.

    Since our hospital isn't equipped to care for this kid we have to take her to a pediatric special care centre. The trip was uneventful and I transferred care to the peds specialist on call and told her my suspicions. I also made sure that mom was not aware of my suspicions and told the doctor such as well. Doc assured me she'd talk to mom and decide a plan.

    This girl comes from an area with a very high teen pregnancy rate, and it's also violent. No doubt she'll be afraid to point any fingers. Unfortunately I suspect she is going to fall through the cracks and probably be a suicide statistic within 3 years.

    After I got home I spoke to the nurse who gave me some further information. He was speaking to a friend who was in the location and actually saw this girl being carried by 4 boys who dropped her and ran as soon as they were spotted.

    Sigh, I know it is up to the girl and her mother to decide if they are going to press any charges, but it breaks my heart to see this pretty young thing destroyed like this. I haven't decided if I should go to some police friends of mine with this information, even if I did, they likely couldn't do anything unless the girl or her mom complained.

    I'll probably have a chat with one of them anyways...off the record.

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