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Everything posted by Lex

  1. Speaking of deliveries, I think I've got a unique one in this darling lady... Took a call for a woman in labor which is nothing new. Typically find out where they're at, send out a unit and depending how close and long the contractions stay on the line until our crew arrives, occasionally aiding in delivery prior to their arrival. This call was just a titch different...first it is the woman that is in labor that calls, not the frantic husband or an anxious family member, or even another child, one of her first, no this caller called herself. And when she called she was driving to the hospital, didn't want an ambulance, just wanted us to let the hospital know she was coming. Well, we can do that, but as we're confirming which hospital she is going to (she won't tell us here she is because she DOESN'T want or need an ambulance) there is that scream that anyone who has ever heard it before knows is nothing other than a woman in labor preparing to push that baby out. And that scream is immediately followed by the words "oh my God, I think her head is out." Keep in mind this woman is still as far as we're aware driving down the highway. She's still refusing an ambulance but we get her to pull over and sure enough not only is the head out, the entire baby is sitting on the seat with her. She pulls the shoelace out of her runners, ties off the umbilical cord and then insists on driving the rest of the way to the hospital, NO AMBULANCE! So we get her to dry off baby and wrap her up, and you can hear her screaming away so you know she can't be doing too badly considering her entry into the world. Anyway, mom and baby made it to the hospital in their PV. But we made sure that as they pulled up ER staff were ready and waiting. Talk about one tough, and stubborn lady. And a great story to tell your little girl about the day she entered the world!
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