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Posts posted by winyan

  1. I've a deep faith, but no way could I possibly tolerate 'christianity'.

    Too many of my family have been killed in the name of your "Jesus"

    I'm American Indian, and we've lost too many of our family members to overzealous types.

    As I said I've a deep and abiding faith in "One ABove" who is in everyone and everything, including the two legged, the four legged and the no legged.

    This includes the trees, the rocks and the stars.


  2. We get one teeshirt, (if there are any left,) BSI jacket, turnout gear for fire calls (we support our firepersons), err and I think that's it. We also get a small check at the end of the year for replacing clothing damaged while on call.

    I would definitely prefer if there were some kind of 'uniform' since we usually go into the ER looking like a ragtag motley crew. Some of the tee shirts worn by the drivers and others (usually the guys that help w/lifting) aren't always approporiate.

    Ah well, it is ALL volunteer.


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