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Everything posted by awing06

  1. My company has three markets. One of the markets is considered 24 hours on call and you can be anywhere in town during the day as long as you can be rolling in 5 minutes, and then at night you have 7 minutes. Our other markets require 60 second "shoot" (out the door) times and then at night you have 2 minutes shoot time. I prefer the call market, since i can go to the store, or over to a friends or whatever i want, but i still work.
  2. we've been getting a lot of abd pain calls too. 3 of our medics have gone down with it this week alone. i dont know what it is, but its goin around
  3. Pardon me, but Im new in the field, and 20 hours of clinical with 20 patient contacts dosent really give you much help. Its nice to have people around who are willing to help you, but it sounds like a lot of the people posting here have trouble remembering that they were new once too. You dont have to hold my hand, but if theres something I havent seen before or dont understand you can bet that Ill ask a question, and if some jerk off who thinks hes better than me calls me an idiot, then theyre the ones who dont need to be in the field, not me... or any other newbie for that matter.
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